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Backyard Archeology. Archeology on a Parking Lot under Construction

Essay Instructions:

The goal of this Assignment is to observe an 'archaeological site' as an anthropologist would. The student will analyze their observations in terms of themes from the subfield of archaeology such as how it helps frame our understanding of how we can learn more about the human past by studying and interpreting material culture.


Motel of the Mysteries is a well-known book among archaeologists (see basic description in Smith, 2009). This humorous (now sadly out of print) book takes a look at how an archaeologist of the future might look at a late 20th century roadside motel. While our artifacts make sense to us, how might they preserve and be interpreted by future archaeologists? In this Assignment we will explore this idea.

Smith, S. (2009). Motel of the Mysteries. The Society for Georgia Archaeology. Retrieved from: http://thesga(dot)org/2009/01/motel-of-the-mysteries/

Directions for 4-6 page Assignment:

Choose one room of your home or a specific place in your community (playground, parking lot, restaurant). Visit and observe the site for 10-15 minutes. Be objective as you examine the site, remember not to mention what it is in today's terms, but pretend you have do not recognize or have knowledge of the artifacts and site. Describe the overall scene.

Collect and document artifacts. Describe the artifacts noting color, shape, weight, texture, quantity, material, and other features you think are important.

Map (photos, hand drawn and scanned, digitally created map) the site and describe the physical characteristics of the site.

Using your imagination, what are some other purposes the artifacts and site might have? What conclusions can you draw about the origin of the artifacts, their use, and the purpose of the site?

Using our readings, what type of archaeological methods would you want to use to help you interpret your artifacts and site?

Reflect on some of the challenges archaeologists face in piecing together the past.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Archeology on a Parking Lot under Construction
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Scenes description
The scene is a place that is reserved for the construction of a parking lot. Excavation is underway, and therefore, there are piles of soil all over. As well, some holes have been left behind during the excavation process because leveling is yet to be done.
Artifacts collected
Among the artifacts collected are iron sheet-like materials. They have the texture of iron sheets and have an indefinite shape. They are also covered by a brown substance which comes of when scrapped.
Spatula-like metallic object: It had the texture of metal, and it is covered by a brown substance that comes off when scrapped. They resemble an object that is used to scoop something.
A piece of burnt clay: It is red and is made of clay. It does not have a definite shape.
A small hill-like structure: it is covered by hard soil that has to be dug forcefully to destroy the structure. It has plenty of holes on the sides.
A rod-like substance: it has the feel of metal. It is sharp and can make a blunt cut on the human body. It is brown.
Physical characteristics
The site has red and loose soil and seems to be on flat terrain. This explains why it is suitable for a parking lot. The surrounding areas have trees which indicate that the soil in that area can support life. As well, tall residential flats are surrounding the place. Given the fact that it has just rained, a touch of the soil does not feel like it's sticky.
Purpose of artifacts and site
In addition, other purposes of the artifacts discovered and the site is that they act as a symbol and reminder of our history. The excavated artifacts show items that were probably being used many years ago, and the no longer exist, or their use is limited. Therefore, through them, people are able to track the changes that have taken place over time. It makes it easy for human beings to appreciate the people who contributed to such change. For example, the use of clay pots posed the challenge of them breaking at any moment if not correctly handled. Throughout the year, people no longer use clay pots but rather use plastics and metals that cannot break easily.
As well, the site has a purpose of providing information to scientific research regarding the type of soil. For instance, finding a metallic object would rule out the possibility that the place has acidic soil. Acidic soils would have worn out the iron sheet over the years hence leading to its absence. Besides, this could also help in the current project by determining whether the structure will last or not. Building in a sand soil can be a challenge as compared to loam and clay soils which provide a strong basement for structures. In this case, a parking lot needs to be built on good soil that will not lead to cracks over time. Therefore, clay soil is not a good option for the land of the construction of the parking lot.
Also, the artifacts found in the area consist of items that seem to have been constructed from metals. The items resemble kitchenware and, this creates the possibility that the site was once a residential area. The metallic artifacts do not have a lot of rust, and this means that they date back to a few years ago. Also, the iron sheets are an indication that it was the main material used in roofing the houses during that time. The existence of an anthill, although no ants live there, shows that certain items decomposed in that place to create food for the ants. The possible explanation of this is that the residents used wood in constructing the walls and floors of their houses. This hypothesis is supported by the presence of iron sheets and items that re...
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