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Astro1 Unit 4 Essay Assignment. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

This assignment can be completed only after completion of Unit 4 Part 10, and the short "Interlude 5" that follows it at the end of Unit 4. It is due on Dec 8th by 11:59 pm EST.

Here is the assignment:

Write an essay to summarize your thoughts about the philosophical aspects of the formation and evolution of the universe. Specifically, consider how you think our story about Thomasin should end. Put yourself in her shoes and answer this question:

What do you think Thomasin will choose to major in?

You must mention one or more specific ideas about astronomy content and how it influences her decision. However, you should not feel compelled to argue that she should major in astronomy! The intent of the assignment is to think about how the ideas of astronomy can influence thinking about our lives and our place in the Universe. Each of the different Parts of Unit 4 describes a philosophy that the aliens developed because of knowledge of some concept about galaxies, particles, expansion of the universe, etc. So, please refer back to these parts, and the alien races' stories; say what the concept is and how it led to their philosophy.

Your essay should be about 1 page (2 – 4 paragraphs) long. There is no right or wrong answer, but you should give the question careful thought and be sure to include some astronomy content in your essay in order to receive full credit. Have fun and be creative! It can be most interesting if you choose something that you found you yourself could personally relate to. This assignment is graded very generously by this simple rubric:

50 points. The essay is turned in before the due date.

30 points. The essay states Tamsin's choice of Major and relates that choice to a specific astronomy concept or idea.

20 points. The essay is about 1 page (2 – 4 paragraphs), and generally free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Total: 100 points.

A Note on Academic Integrity: All work must be your own original writing, do not copy or rewrite text that is not your own. In the past, I have had students turn in plagiarized work on this assignment. As a result, your submissions will be check for originality via Turnitin. You do not need to use any sources outside of the course to complete the assignment. Do not use sites like Chegg, Course Hero, or something similar for "inspiration."


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Astro1 Unit 4 Essay Assignment
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Astro1 Unit 4 Essay Assignment
Thomasin's experience was incredible and enabled her to learn several concepts related to the universe. In this sense, based on what she learned, it is likely that she would be in a dilemma on what major to pursue. In my opinion, the best major that would be fit for Thomasin is philosophy. Thomasin has shown much interest in Astronomy, as illustrated by her being intrigued by numerous galaxies and objects in the universe. Nevertheless, I believe that a philosophy major would be appropriate for her. It will provide her with the platform to find answers regarding the reality, existence, and reason behind the concepts she learned from the different people she met on her wild journey throughout the universe. In this sense, the need to major in philosophy is when she says that she can memorize all the names a...
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