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Ethics Self-Reflection Paper. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Ethics Self-Reflection Paper (100 points)

Your final exam will be in essay format. You will have 4 short essay questions to address regarding ethical conundrums.


The final exam for CDP 400 is a take-home essay examination. Please respond to each question completely in essay format. Be sure to treat each question individually and number each question.


•Responses must follow the writing guidelines outlined in the course syllabus.

•Each response should be no less than one page and no more than two typed double-spaced pages per response.

•Each question must be answered in a formal paragraph essay format with an introductory and conclusion paragraph and 2-3 “meat and potatoes” paragraphs in between.

•Responses must address all requested points and vocabulary words, if requested.

•Students are to use ethical critical thinking strategies to respond to all questions.

•Staple all essays together.

•Include a Cover page.


• Students will be graded on completeness of response.

• Proper spelling, grammar, and utilization of clinical language.

• Implementation of ethical critical thinking.

• Fluidity of composition.

• Ability to think through ethical situations in a clinical manner.

CD Ethics Essay Paper

1) Taleff (2010) identifies seven criteria for the defining of ethics:

(1) Ethics require other people;

(2) Intent makes a difference;

(3) Ethics aim to resolve dilemmas;

(4) Thinking is necessary for ethics and morality;

(5) Ethics ask you to be impartial;

(6) Ethics require us to care about the suffering of others;

(7) Ethics judge human behavior (Berton, 2014, p. 1).

Describe how these terms relate to the NAADAC Code of Ethics, and provide an example

from the NAADAC for each.

2) Berton (2014) describes The Four Pillars of ethical decision making as benefiance (goodness), autonomy (the promotion of freedom and independence), non-malfience (avoiding harm), and justice (fair treatment) (Berton, 2014). These pillars set the framework for all human services and healthcare professionals.

Describe how each pillar is involved in the SUD field in the following scenario. Using these principles to guide you, describe how you would speak to this client:

You have a client who is involved in a domestic violence relationship. They use substances together and the children are currently in foster care. Your client has an opportunity to go to inpatient SUD treatment and get her kids back, if they decide to leave their partner. If they do not, their rights will most likely be terminated. There is a lot of co-dependency and your client is in ambivalence. Without falling into the unethical pitfall of providing advice, describe, using the principles above, how you would work with this client.

3) Berton (2014) discusses the importance of the societal obligations that are inherent in the field, inferring that it is part of our clinician’s oath to contribute to the community outside of our work commitments (pg. 212).

Part One: Do you agree or disagree that in addition to your work obligations it is your responsibility to further work within the community? Briefly discuss the pros and cons of this viewpoint.

Part Two:

Analyze your current situation: What is your time level, access level, and comfortable

work type (pg. 212-215). Advocacy, participation, developing a professional stance?

Keeping in mind the ethical pitfalls that can occur when we overcommit, what types of

community activism, volunteer work, or contributions are you willing and able to make,

whether it is volunteering time, contributing money, or something else that will contribute,

and not detract from your own vitality, but will contribute to your personal, professional and

community wellbeing?

4) What Would You Do? :

You are a counselor at an inpatient facility where a fair amount of the clients are Native American. You have a tribal liaison that works with all of the Native clients. Martina, who is a support worker, and not a medical professional, dispenses medication to all of the clients as part of her work duties. Angela, a new client, is a Suboxone patient. Her medication has not yet arrived at the treatment center. She is concerned that she will go into withdrawals if it does not arrive soon. Martina calls the Native tribal liaison, who Martina said, “told me to take a suboxone from another Native patient with the same dosage and give it to Angela, and then replace the pill when Angela’s prescription arrives”.

*How would you address this situation?

*Identify all of the potential issues and concerns, both legal and ethical.

* Step-by-step, describe your thought process in terms of the Tiers of Ethics:

-Personal, -Agency, -License/Credential, -State/County, Federal.

*Consider the intersection of Laws and Ethics.

Extra Credit Question: 10 points

Case Conceptualization:

Please read the following vignette and respond to the questions. In your response and

explanation of the questions, refer to the Four Pillars to defend your response.

A psychologist works in an outpatient substance abuse treatment facility. His patient

reveals, during the course of therapy, that a staff person paid to have sex with another patient, who is a sex worker. The staff member , another therapist, works in another department in the agency. And, according to the psychologist’s patient, the patient sex worker is not aware that one of her customers works in another part of that facility. The psychologist does not know the therapist well, but has provided some consultation for the therapist in the past. The psychologist does not dwell on the situation with the patient. However, after the session, the psychologist feels uneasy about what his patient revealed.

*Are there any ethical obligations of the psychologist who hears this information?

* What are potential ethical pitfalls in this scenario?

* What, if anything, should the psychologist do?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics Self-Reflection Paper
Student's Name
Ethics Self-Reflection Paper
Question One
Taleff's definition criteria of ethics relate to making ethical decisions, as highlighted in the NAADAC Code of Ethics. The first criteria suggest that ethics requires other people. Ethics consists of principles that offer practical guidance to our lives. The first criteria relate to beneficence as a consideration before making ethical decisions, as highlighted in the NAADAC Code of ethics. Beneficence is the obligation that a person has to do acceptable actions to others. For example, secretaries at the front desk of the Medi-Health, apply ethics by committing themselves to help others and what is in the best interest of the patients. The second criteria suggest that intent makes a difference. Moral intent is acting ethically when faced with decisions. It relates to conscientious refusal, which refuses to act out unethical directives as indicated in the NAADAC code of ethics. For example, refusing gifs over $100 from clients that cause a conflict of interest or engaging in sexual behavior with clients.
The third criteria that suggest ethics aims to resolve dilemmas relate to justice as a consideration in making ethical decisions. Ethics is fundamentally aimed at fair and equal treatment to others in a just manner (Berton, 2014). For example, in the workplace, the code of ethics resolves arguments between employees during project management. Lower ranked employees must respect highly ranked employees in an organization. The criteria that state thinking is essential for morality and ethics to relate to diligence. For example, a secretary at the University must work hard, be careful, thorough, and mindful of its services. The ethical criteria that suggest impartiality in ethics relate to fidelity. For instance, a must be true to his work, be honest, and make decisions based on objective court criteria. Talef's criteria that identify ethics caring about other people's suffering relate to stewardship. For example, a doctor with high qualifications and skills should give back to the community by treating the sick using available resources. Ultimately, ethics judge human behavior. This criterion is related to self-interest considerations in ethics, such as telling the truth when making deals with business associates or patients at the hospital.
Question Two
Justice should be distributed equally. I would advise both partners to go into the inpatient SUD treatment to get their children back. Considering the potential rights, obligations, and established legislation, the patients are a couple. They are both struggling to get their children back. No personal issues or biases should stand in the way when working with both partners. This step ensures that no partner is denied or discriminated against treatment. Necessary safeguards must be put in place to ensure equal treatment regardless of the employee's personal feelings.
Based on the principle of autonomy, each partner can live their own lives as long as their actions do not interfere with each other's welfare. A counselor's role is to determine if the client is competent to make sound decisions or has all the required information to make personal choices. The fact is that abusing substances implies poor judgment and decision making (Berton, 2014). In this case, domestic violence implies incompetence, and it is unfair to allow full autonomy. The process of reviewing competence involves checking whether the client can make sound financial decisions due to co-dependency and ambivalence. As such, a power of attorney is needed to allow another person to manage the finances.
Beneficence requires the healthcare provider to offer knowledge and skills towards other's welfare. In this case, each partner must agree first because "doing good" in the counselor's eyes may be seen as harming the partner. Each partner's point of view and cultural context should be consi...
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