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Assignment Paper 1: Evaluating Bias in Research Guide

Essay Instructions:

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Assignment 1: Evaluating Bias in Research
Read the article titled, “As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias,” located at http://www(dot)washingtonpost(dot)com/business/economy/as-drug-industrys-influence-over-research-grows-so-does-the-potential-for-bias/2012/11/24/bb64d596-1264-11e2-be82-c3411b7680a9_story.html.
Review the six (6) rules of critical thinking (Chapter 1) and the steps of “Doing Sociology: A Student’s Guide to Research” (Chapter 2).
Student Success Tip: As you review the steps, jot a few notes or thoughts down. Relax and prepare to write a concise and accurate essay.
Write an essay in which you:
1.Identify the first step in the student’s guide to research.
2.Define the first step of research in your own words.
3.Identify the major assumptions and bias of the drug industry that underlie drug research.
4.Identify the personal bias that you, as a consumer, have on the drug industry’s influence over research.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
•To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the article from The Washington Post and the sections noted in your text. For this reason, APA citations or references are not required for this assignment.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Define the basic concepts used in the discipline of sociology.

•Define the various methodologies for sociological research.

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology.

•Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 1: Evaluating Bias in Research
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
Course Title:
Identify the first step in the student’s guide to research
The initial step associated with the student’s guide in research is framing the research question, based on the problem. Chambliss & Eglitis (2015), point out the need to ask questions in critical thinking to evaluate claims based on reason and the evidence available. The researchable question is specific and precise and leads to the hypothesis where predictions are evaluated, while there is an emphasis on framing the question to limit the risk of errors.
Define the first step of the research process in your own words
Personally, I believe that identifying the research question and linking this with the predictions and specific aims ought to be considered for empirical evaluation. While initiating a research project, one needs to identify a researchable question, which is analyzed and examined when the information available allows one to make relevant conclusion.
Identify the major assumptions and bias of the drug industry that underlie drug research
One of concerns with drug companies funding research on the effectiveness of drugs is that they may it is assumed that thorough tests are conducted. There are cases where researchers ignore risks, and side effects that affect drug safety because there are no independent researchers to verify their results. It is likely that the pharmaceutical firms will focus more on the potential benefits during trials so that this is favorable to them. Even as research is crucial to finding effective medications, fund...
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