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Agurementative Paper: Atheists - Are They Socially Deviant?

Essay Instructions:

* two FULL pages - APA sources - Expressing an opinion : you want to PERSUADE a reader to want to agree with you. 
*- INTRODUCTION - (1) What is the argument that you are making? What is that opinion? Being persuaded. ADD YOUR THESIS STATEMENT! - 
*(2) Support with detail (good place to use your sources) *you may need more than 1 paragraph! It’s OK! - 
*(3) Instruct the reader “how to agree with you”, what is the desire response?! - CONCLUSION

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Atheists: Are They Socially Deviant?
Date of Submission:
Atheists: Are They Socially Deviant?
An atheist is any individual with a disbelief in the existence of a god or God. According to Holmes (2015, pp.1), the number of atheists in America is gradually rising needless to mention that 57 percent of Americans are unlikely to vote for an atheist presidential candidate. It is because prominent atheists are known to make controversial arguments about other religions. It is notable that atheists have been associated with traits that characterize them as deviant members of the society. For example, Christians use the Bible to judge atheists harshly. Analogously, the media labels atheists as angry people. At this point, the general deduction from the audience would be that this paper would compare atheism to a religion such as Christianity or Islam. Regardless, the upcoming discussion focuses on titles given to atheists. Simply put, this paper argues that the common belief that atheists are socially unsound is a misplaced notion that characterizes a very small fraction, if any, of the population under discussion.
To begin with, evidence from most publications reveals that the general society considers atheists as socially deviant people. For instance, Christians quote the bible to justify why they consider atheists as socially unsound. Psalms (4) of the Kings James Bible states: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good” (Greksa, 2015 pp.13). Regardless, the same the Bible advises Christians not to judge others harshly because they too would be judged by the same standards. It is also notable that several interviewers, media reports, internet postings, and authors portray atheists as angry people. However, the same author reveals that no publication has associated atheism to anger. In short, Christians my use the Bible to stigmatize atheists while the media and the internet could label atheists as angry people. However, neither group is justified...
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