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Emergency Management: Assessment of Disaster Recovery

Essay Instructions:

Prepare a 4 page paper focusing on an emergency management issue or function, such as alert and warning systems or evacuation systems, or on a specific hazard or disaster, such as landslides, tornado or a major hurricane. 
Survey the literature (library, course materials and Internet) assess the state of knowledge about the issue, function, hazard, or disaster provide an analysis that identifies information needs, lessons learned, and/or other concerns for emergency managers, policymakers, and communities at risk.
As you formulate your responses, ensure that you address the following:
• Administrative issues associated with the assessment of disaster recovery
• An examination of the role of emergency managers and administrators concerning legal issues in emergency management
• Analysis of the use of technology in emergency management
• Skillsets that contribute to the profession of emergency managers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emergency Management
Institutional Affiliation:
It is vital to ascertain that major emergencies fail to have respect over the regional or national borders since they occur at inconvenient moments. The levels of human suffering involved when these tragic events occur is immeasurable since different aspects of people’s lives affected such as their security, housing, health, wealth, and their access to basic needs such as food and water.
This determines the essence of having an emergency plan developed with the aim of lessening the effects of these emergencies on the lives of people through a coordinated response that may be launched effectively (Graham, Thompson, Wolcott, Pollack, & Tran, 2015). The goal of an emergency management plan is to save lives and minimize the element of suffering. This paper seeks to focus on emergency management issues and functions with the aim of providing an analysis that identifies different information needs and lessons that can be learned by the emergency managers, communities at risk and policy makers.
Emergency Management
In as much as there are numerous emergencies that are considered to be unpredictable, a great number of them can be prevented with the aim of mitigating their effects including the strengthening of the response capacity of the community at risk. Individuals who work towards ensuring that emergencies are dealt with therefore need to have the right training in handling these occurrences.
Major emergencies are determined to be incidents that have little or no warnings and that have the capacity of causing havoc and threats that include: deaths, serious disruptions of services required by nations, the damage of property, infrastructures, and the environment beyond the capacity of the emergency services. It is however, essential to consider that major emergencies remain a rare case and are usually unpredictable (Graham, et.al. 2015). This determines the fact that it tends to be impossible to know when these emergencies are likely to occur and the type of emergency it will be. The major emergencies in this case would range from nuclear fallout catastrophes, adverse weather conditions that would result into hurricanes and tornadoes and hazardous nuclear spills.
The Disasters Prevalent In America
The September 11th 2001 Attacks:
On the 11th of September 2001, the United States of America woke up to a disaster that saw close to 3000 people perish. This disaster was instigated through a terrorist who destroyed the iconic World Trade Centre. This disaster was considered the worst attack that the United States of America had experienced after the Pearl Harbour of 1941 (Solecki, & Luchia,2015). As a result of this attack, the government of the US decided to develop a homeland security organization and ensured that the local governments and the states also created emergency plans. As a result of this, several governments around the world have initiated and invested in resources directed towards the development of emergency response plans. The horrifying events of 9/11 consequently changed the culture of the Americans, a factor that resulted in the reinforcement of a unified response team that would handle emergencies through an organized and integrated approach aimed at preparing the public for disasters.
The American government therefore initiated an Emergency Preparedness approach (EP) as a response to the disasters such as that of 9/11. The EP is considered as a prudent in-depth measure that ensures appropriate structures are developed to handle emergencies that occur. This approach has the capacity to mitigate serious and adverse effects that may result into disasters within an environment (Solecki, & Luchia, 2015). The emergency managers after the 9/11 attacks learned that emergencies have the capacity to strike at any given time and have their own flavors since they can turn out to be small or big, significant or insignificant as determined by the perceptions of those affected. Te affected communities also learnt on the essence of developing a unified approach in aiding the emergency departments with information of certain aspects that would turn disastrous.
Administrative Issues Associated With the Assessment of Disaster ...
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