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A Critique of Three Journal Articles about Bullying

Essay Instructions:
Directions for Professional Article Summary and Evaluation You must find 3 professional journal articleS on a topic of your choosing related to psychology, then compare, contrast and summarize the information from all 3 article together .Notice that website link should be provided with the paper. Your review should have four parts: First: Article Reference The article must be research based and from a professional, peer reviewed scientific journal. (If you¡¯re not absolutely certain the article you want to review is from a pro journal/source, check with me) You must provide a complete APA style reference for your article. This must include the full title of the article, the authors, and the journal, book or source for your article. Second: The Summary (1page) The summary should be about a page long complete but condensed version of the article. It should mention each of the main points stated in the article, for instance, if there is a paragraph in the article that discusses the effectiveness of a specific medication for depression, there should be at least one sentence that summarizes that point. The summary should be dry and factual. There should be none of your passion or voice in the summary and you should be careful not to present the passion or voice of the article author as if it were your own. This is not a report of on what you think is most relevant in the article, it is a factual summary of what the article is. There will be space for your opinion in the response section. Third: Critical Evaluation (1page) This section should be a page or so that evaluates the information offered in the article. The article is almost always making a claim of some sort. The author is almost always trying to convince you of something. Your job is to figure these things out and evaluate weather or not the article is convincing. Be skeptical but also be fair. This section should include but is not limited to questions like: What claims are being made? What evidence has been provided to support the claims( research study, expert opinion¡­)? Is the evidence credible (are the tests relevant, can they be repeated, examine validity and reliability). Did the author provide good examples and define terms well enough to make the point clear? What contemporary theoretical perspective in psychology best explains the claims being made? Fourth: Response (1.5 Pages) Also about a page, This is the place for you to offer your personal opinion. Do you agree or disagree with the claim (why or why not), Can you apply what the article said to something in your own life or experience¡­..I want to know what you think/ feel ¡­.about what you have learned.
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Bullying: A Critique of Three Journal Articles about Bullying
(Course Code)
June 1, 2013
Bullying: A Critique of Three Journal Articles about Bullying
1. Rivers, I., Noret, N., Poteat, V.P., & Ashurst, N. (2009).Observing bullying at school: The
Mental health implications of witness status. School Psychology Quarterly, 24(4),
211-223.Retrieved from  HYPERLINK "/pubs/journals/releases/spq-24-4-211.pdf" /pubs/journals/releases/spq-24-4-211.pdf
2. Georgious, S.N. (2008).Bullying and victimization at school: the role of mothers.
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 78,109-125.Retrieved from
 HYPERLINK "/dir/329_337.pdf" /dir/329_337.pdf
3. Woods, S., & Wolke, D. (2004).Direct and relational bullying among primary school children
And academic achievement. Journal of School Psychology, 42,135-155. Retrieved from
In the first article, “Observing bullying at school: The mental health implications of witness status”, the authors “explore the impact of bullying on the mental health of the students who witness it” (Rivers, et al.2009, p.1).In their introduction, they argue that “past studies of bullying behavior have tended to focus on risk factors associated with the primary roles of victim, perpetrator and that of the bully victim” (p.1).Further, they argue that victims of bullying experience higher rates of depression, anxiety and psychosomatic problems.Moreover,they perform poorly at school. Schools with many students who are both victims and bullies record many cases of depression. Cases of substance use are higher in such schools. The authors argue that though students’ witnesses of bullying have a role to end it, little is available from them. The authors suggest that those who witness bullying are also at mental risk, but “there is no consensus”(p.213) yet, hence their current study.
The study took a sample of 2,002 pupils (55% boys and 45% girls) aged 12 to 16 years in 14 state schools in the north of England. The authors hypothesized that “perpetration of bullying and victimization would be significantly associated with multiple indicators of mental health risk and substance abuse” (p.213).And witnessing it would be worse. The measures were “perpetrator, victim and witness status” (p.213).Results indicated the majority had witnessed bullying as opposed to being perpetrators. Bullying is part of their daily lives and there exists no gender differences on bullying.
The second study, “Bullying and victimization: the role of mothers” aims at examining the influence of maternal characteristics on their child’s victimization or bullying at school”(Georgious,2008,p.109).The authors aver that bullying starts at home, by watching what others do. Stressed parents tend to be distant from their children, have poor communication and hostile. Harshness and inconsistency in punishment leads to aggression tendencies. Members of family have a hand in children’s aggression.Further; cases of absent father, depressive mother and violence make children aggressive (p.110).Children from authoritarian homes are likely to bully others. To sum up, parental practices at home determine whether a child will be a bully.
The authors say that both the bully and victim are likely to be criminals.Further,”bullying and victimization can be transmitted across generations”(Georgious,2008,p.112).The correlates of the study were maternal responsiveness, maternal overprotectiveness,and depressiveness(p.112).The participants were 252 Greek Cypriot children in grades 4-6 and average age of 11.5 years as well as their mothers.136 were females and the rest males. Ten schools (4 urban and 6 rural) were randomly selected. The instruments were completed by children and mothers. The study found out that “maternal responsiveness was positively related to child’s adjustment at school” (p.109).The same was negatively related to school aggression. The study concludes that parents should be involved in elimination of bullying.
The third study, “Direct and relational bullying among primary school children and academic achievement” examined the “relationship between bullying and academic achievement among 1016 children from primary schools” (Woods & Wolke, 2004, p.153).These children ranged 6-9 years. In the review, the authors define bullying and it’s various forms. Bully/victims are the worst when it comes to problems. Relational bullying is related to maladjustment. Bullying is however, a “social group process prevalent in schools” (p.136).Research findings have indicated that children who experi...
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