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The Anthropoloy Research Paper Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Culture as we have discussed in our readings is an incredible advantage that has allowed humans to enter almost every niche in nature. The development and maintenance of culture is what sets humans apart from other species. Culture varies by time and location. For this assignment, students will be observing a particular setting for 25 minutes, writing up your observations, and then analyzing them. Listen to APUS anthropologist Donna Rosh give you some pointers for people-watching as an anthropologist (or read the script). Watch APUS anthropologist Jennifer Cramer give you some pointers about studying behavior in primates, tips which also work for studying human behavior.

Directions for 4-6 page Assignment:

Choose a time and location for where/when you are going to conduct your observations of an ethnographic scene (mall, public transportation, coffee shop, etc.).

Go to the specified location and proceed with your observations. Find a place to sit quietly and to simply watch what is going on. Do not talk to or interview people during this time.

Take notes (handwritten recommended). Include details about the scene itself (time of day, lighting, furniture, plants, sounds, temperature, smell, vibe/energy, etc), details about the people around you (their characteristics, their behavior).

When your 25 minutes are finished, leave the scene. In a quiet place, fill out your notes. At this time, you should start to think about concepts that you've learned in class that fit with your observations. This step is critical.

Write a 4-6 page reaction paper about your observations Your paper should:

Define and discuss culture using our course materials

Include a ‘thick description’ of the location with clear detail of your observations

Analyze your observations, identifying four anthropological concepts that fit your observations. Define the concept and analyze how it fits your observations.

Include your field notes at the end

What is an anthropological concept? Anthropological concepts are anthropological terms and ideas. Examples of some that we've studied include: ethnocentrism, ethnicity, reciprocity, kinship, language and communication. You should not use this exact list of four concepts and expect them to fit your observation scene. You may, of course, use others - depending on what concepts are relevant to your observation. We also have two examples to share with you from APUS anthropologists- one from Jennifer Cramer's fieldwork in The Gambia and one from James Turner's fieldwork in Mexico.

One common misstep is to apply the four subfields of anthropology or to apply the four parts of the definition of culture.

Conclude with a discussion of and reflection on your experience of the situation. For example you might write how you felt when you started to detect a pattern in characteristics and/or behavior.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Site Visit
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Culture definition
Culture refers to the outstanding characteristics that define a specific group of people. Such characteristics could be in the manner in which they communicate with one another, carry out their activities or the beliefs that they have about life. People from different parts of the world have different cultures (Delaney & Kaspin, 2017). However, marinating a person's culture is not easy because we constantly interact with people from other cultures and, hence, end up leaning their way of life. A person can still decide to stick to their culture, regardless of the amount of influence that they receive from the external world in order to change. Also, culture is also defined by the tools that people use to carry out daily activities. For instance, the ancient Greek was identified with the use of clay to make tools. In the modern culture, people use metals to make similar items. This is an indication that culture is evolving and is being affected by the changes in technology.
Site description
I choose to observe the activities that were going on in a parking lot that was under construction at 4 pm. The process of excavation was underway, and this means that the site had piles of reds soil and potholes that were left during the excavation process. As well, the people did not seem to be very enthusiastic about the work, and this could be explained by the fact that they had been working the whole day and were already tired. There was a specific person who was giving the machine attendants instructions on what to do. Another part of the crew was seated on some stones near the excavation site. I also noticed a pile of metallic objects that were placed on the far end of the parking lot. The metals had much rust indicating that they had been buried in that place for ages. Also, there was a foul smell that was coming out of a broken sewer line. The surrounding has tall trees and grass. There is also a five-story building that will be served by the parking lot.
Anthropological concepts
Language and Communication
Language and communication are anthropological concepts which define the manner in which people in a given site communicate with one another. Their use of language can be a key identifying factor of the cultural differences between them (Richards & Schmidt, 2014). It can also be used to determine whether they are from the same culture. According to the use of language and communication in the parking lot, it is clear that the workers are from different cultures. For instance, the man who was instructing the machine operators was using both verbal and non-verbal cues to pass information. The use of nonverbal cues plays an important role in emphasizing on the words of the speaker. Given the fact that the place was boisterous from the excavation, then non-verbal communication was the best option to ensure that the machine operators understood all the instructions that they were being given. From the physical appearance of the workers, one could easily tell that they were from different racial origins. For ...
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