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Analytical Report

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment will be an analytical report that addresses a problem or issue within an organization. For this assignment, you will write a report of 2,000–3,000 words on a problem or issue within your workplace or community.

You will identify a problem or issue within your organization. This may be a current place of employment or a community group, such as a church, school, homeowner's association, daycare, recreation center, soccer team, or other group.

You will then accomplish the following in the report:

  1. Define the problem persuasively and accurately
  2. Propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issue
  3. Present that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement the recommendation.

The report will include the following components:

  1. Title Page
  2. Letter of Transmittal
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Informative Abstract
  5. Body of Report (similar to below)
    1. Introduction
    2. Methods/Research
    3. Discussion
    4. References

Your report must also include the following:

  1. At least one graphic in the text.
  2. A minimum of five sources cited within the report.
  3. At least one source must be a scholarly source.
  4. APA style should be used in citing and listing the sources.

The complete report should be 2,000–3,000 words, not including the list of references. The purpose of establishing a word count is to ensure the topic chosen is neither too big nor too small. Also, writing within parameters is a common requirement in professional communications.

 The complete report, as stated above, should cite at least five sources. At least one of them should come from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. Your sources can also include interviews. The sources will be integrated into the paper to explain the problem, provide evidence of the problem, and support the solution. If you are having trouble locating scholarly sources for your topic, you can let me know during the weeks leading up to the due date for the report. I can try to help you or work with you on integrating sources.

 An Excellent Resource on Analytical Reports:

  • The Academic Language Learning and Success Program at Charles Darwin University has an excellent guide to writing analytical reports.

Other Helpful Guides on Report Writing:

  • Victoria University of Wellington has a thorough outline and review of the components of this type of business report.
  • Queen Margaret University has an excellent guide for this type of report.
  • Murdoch University has an outstanding guide on writing this type of report.
  • Colorado State University presents excellent tips in organizing the report.
  • Monash University has a sample case study report that you might find helpful.

Examples of Analytical Reports:

  • For an example of on analytical report a transportation problem
  • For an example of analytical report on a topic related to economics
  • For an example of an analytical report on a technical topic

 Topics to Help You Come Up with Ideas on this Assignment:

Some possible workplace research topics are the following. These are just examples to help you get started. Please do not feel that you have to select one of these topics.

The following topics are specific to UMUC:

  • the effects of the move from WebTycho to LEO for UMUC students
  • the effects of the move from WebTycho to LEO for UMUC instructors
  • methods for helping UMUC instructors become acclimated to LEO
  • methods for helping UMUC students become acclimated to LEO
  • methods for improving online instruction at UMUC
  • the feasibility of UMUC’s offering Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
  • the feasibility of UMUC’s offering credit to students who complete a MOOC

The following topics have been borrowed from

Lannon, J. M, L. J. Gurak, and D. Daemon, (2011). Instructor’s Resource Manual to Accompany Technical Communication, 12th ed. Boston: Longman:

  • the long-term effects of a vegetarian diet
  • comparison of two or more brands of equipment
  • the adequacy of veterans’ benefits
  • the influence of a stadium or civic center in your city or community
  • the best computer to buy for a specific need
  • the best type of computer (desktop, laptop, Chromebook, tablet) for a specific need
  • the best location for a new business
  • the effects of budget cuts in public education in your area
  • the effects of legalized gambling in your state
  • the causes of low morale in your workplace
  • Methods of improving productivity in your workplace
  • analysis of benefits from organic farming practices
  • methods of dealing with discarded computers and other types of electronic waste
  • the pros and cons of taking writing classes online
  • the pros and cons of taking classes online in ____ (fill in the blank with a field of study of your choice)
  • the adequacy of police protection in your town or city

 The following topics are ideas that have been used in previous classes:

  • going to a wireless network
  • going to a paperless office
  • switching from Windows to Linux (or other similar switch)
  • installing/upgrading company firewall
  • establishing a drug policy
  • establishing an employee leave donation program
  • establishing an equipment donation program for used computers, etc.
  • establishing a company recycling program (paper, etc.)
  • education/retraining for your employees
  • establishing a program for millennial workers (e.g., training on certain aspects of etiquette, on understanding other generations, etc.)
  • designing a training program for workplace safety issues
  • redesigning employee performance evaluations
  • developing a work-at-home (telecommuting) policy
  • developing a flex-time policy
  • establishing on-site day care or providing other child care benefits
  • providing gym membership or creating an on-site workout facility
  • creating or revising a charitable contribution policy
  • creating or improving a tuition assistance program
  • accommodations needed for employee/s with specific health issues (for example, migraines)
  • establishing a Habitat for Humanity (or other group) chapter at your organization

 Some students have chosen topics outside of their workplaces, such as the following:

  • getting additional lighting in the neighborhood
  • changing traffic patterns around your child’s school
  • installing a tot lot in your neighborhood
  • constructing a crying baby room at your place of worship
  • offering ESL courses at your church or local library or recreation center
  • increasing participation in a military family support group

Length: 2,000–3,000 words, not including the list of references or front matter. In other words, the body of the paper from introduction to conclusion should be 2,000–3,000 words. The sources should be cited and listed in APA or MLA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Interpersonal Conflict
Letter of Transmittal
August 1, 2015
David Murray, Chief Executive.
All Tech Company Limited
40 Boston Post Road West,
STE 165 Marlborough, MA-01752, USA
Dear Sir,
This is an analytical report about the problem of interpersonal conflict between student interns and the human resource department at All Tech Networking Company. This report examines the root causes of the problem and the appropriate solutions that should be taken to resolve the problem. It is my hope that this report will shed light to some relevant issue that are affecting the organization.
I hope that you find this report to be satisfactory.
Sincerely yours,
Table of Contents
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Letter of Transmittal PAGEREF _Toc426140908 \h 2
Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc426140909 \h 3
Abstract PAGEREF _Toc426140910 \h 4
Introduction PAGEREF _Toc426140911 \h 5
Methods/Research PAGEREF _Toc426140912 \h 6
Discussion & Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc426140913 \h 7
Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc426140914 \h 11
References PAGEREF _Toc426140915 \h 12
Interpersonal conflict may occur when two persons have opposing goals or viewpoints. Different people express interpersonal conflict differently where some may show it verbally while others may interpret it nonverbally. Interpersonal conflicts range from simple misunderstandings to serious obvious blowout. It is important to note that interpersonal conflict is different from interpersonal violence (Ones & Viswesvaran, 2012). The latter involves not only communication but also abuse, which is a serious issue in any relationship. This paper is a case study of the problem of interpersonal conflicts between two conflicting parties at All Tech Networking Company. The interpersonal conflict has been a persistent problem between the management of the organization and the employees including people who are attached as interns there. In the current interpersonal conflict problem, it involves myself and my intern colleague called Jun and the human resource manager of the networking company located in Boston where we were attached as interns.
The management of the firm where we were on internship, introduced a program called internship work plan, which, according to the management, was meant to support the interns working there with some income for their transport and accommodation. June was one of those who had been considered for an internship in the firm. Jun and myself had received a letter asking us to report to the human resource department for orientation. On the day we reported, we discovered that two other students had been accepted in the program.
After orientation, we were awarded with 3-month contract letter, which stipulated our roles as well as responsibility and the wages. However, we felt that the kind of work that we were allocated did not correspond to the course we were pursuing in sociology. The working environment was also not conducive. The issue of working hours was unreasonable because we were asked to do the night shifts. Our interpersonal conflict with the firm revolved around the assignments handled, the working environment, and the terms of working.
The interpersonal conflict with the firm began when we, being the first party, were asked for a meeting with the management, (party two). After one week from the time we had reported, we expressed our dissatisfaction. We felt that as much as we needed the internship as a partial fulfillment of a Bachelor's degree in sociology, the working environment was not healthy for me and my classmate. We conducted an independent research concerning the history of the firm and its relationship with its staff. This was accomplished by interviewing some junior staff in the company.
The Conceptual Perspective
All Tech Networking company was founded as a business enterprise in 2009. During the first year of its opening, the company was very successful with over 90% of its objectives being fulfilled. However, due to the emergence of competing networking companies nearby and the need for advanced networking equipment, the offering services of the firm were lower as compared to those of their rivals. Most of the networking clients preferred to seek services from the rival company due to its advanced working facilities (Pruitt et al. 54).
One of the measures that the administration invented was a policy to reduce staff and cut the salaries of the remaining staff. This is an issue that brought many interpersonal conflicts between the manager and the employees of All Tech. Our research found out that for about 5 years, there has been a persistent problem of interpersonal conflict in the firm between the employees and the management. This broader problem in the firm revolves around organizational structure, culture of the firm and bad policies. This paper seeks to present a solution of how our immediate problem with the management can be resolved as well as the solution to the broader problem that exists in the company between the employees and the top level management of the company.
The conflict goals in the interpersonal conflict between myself, Jun and the Human Resource manager of the firm are simple, each party is pursuing different goals. Party number one (Jun and myself) are pursuing for lighter terms of working while party two (firm) feels that we as the interns are not meeting the target in terms of allocated tasks. However, a systematic observations by party one has concluded that party two are seeking for an opportunity to maximize some of their productivity through the interns without taking into consideration the welfare of the interns. This is because the working conditions are not motivating for us, there are minimal monetary allowances provided, and the workload is intensive.
Data Collection Procedure & Methods
We feel that a change is required to improve the life of the interns. Our research on how the past interns were treated supported our opinion that interns did not have any rights in the company and if they had any, they were violated. We are requesting for a meeting with the management of the company in order to raise our grievances. To help us with factual data, we set out a questionnaire to gather information that would be helpful in our subsequent meetings with the management. The diagnostic questionnaire data would be helpful to us in resolving the conflicts (Wilmo...
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