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Literature Review Biodiversity Biology

Essay Instructions:

Please chose a topic concern to biodiversity biology

By the end of this activity you will have developed a review and synthesis of the more pertinent information available in the primary and secondary literature directly addressing your approved topic for your term paper.

As the name suggests, a literature review is essentially a summary of information available on a subject of interest. In this case, you will be preparing a review of the pertinent literature addressing your approved term paper topic.

Please visit the websites below to learn more about how to prepare a literature review:

The literature review will be the foundation for your paper and the more work you put into the literature review, the easier your paper will be to write. Please continue contributing to your literature review while it is being graded so as not to lose time preparing your term paper.

Please keep the following questions in mind as you progress through this activity:

What do all these papers have in common?

How do the authors’ views overlap with each other?

How and why do the authors’ views differ?

Do any of the articles pose a problem to the central argument of my proposed paper? If so, how can I reconcile the problem?

Please prepare your review as a summary and synthesis of your selected sources. As you prepare your literature review please restrict your synthesis to 10-15 sources from the primary literature that are most relevant to your term paper topic. Focus on the salient information that either supports or refutes the argument you plan to make (i.e., the thesis of your paper).

Prepare your review using a document format compatible with MS Word (e.g., .doc, .docx, .rtf) and ensure that word length is between 500 and 1000 words.

Your literature review will be evaluated and graded within one week.

Please submit your literature review using the appropriate dropbox by the end of Module 5.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Literature Review Analyzing Insect Adaptations to Fire
Student Name
The study focusses on the responses of the insects to fire in relation to other feasible and appropriate conservation management of open habitats. Most insect groups decline remarkably especially immediately after a fire. The magnitude of reduction varies with the degree of exposure to the flames as well as the mobility of the insects. The percentages exposure to very high temperature and stress experienced, greatly determine the survival rates of these insect groups. These factors are very useful for understanding the insects’ response to other environment conservation measures like haying, mowing, and grazing. By contrast, the assumption that the most habitat- restricted species will be the most adapted to ecological changes believed to be prevalent in that ecosystem appears to be less efficacious for predicting insect management preferences.
The biodiversity approach to conservation that emphasizes on natural processes over individual species is frequently advocated for today (Grumbine 1994). However, crucial concerns have been raised about negative impacts for rare insects attributed to ecosystem management with fire (Opler 1981: Wright and Samways 1999). However, a significant contrast is illustrated by other authors such as Shuey, Panzer and Schwartz who argue that insects specialized to live in open habitats asserted to be fire-dependent will likewise be fire-adapted.
The authors’ views seem to differ; first, because there is virtually no scientific sampled, direct observation that exists for the species composition and ecological functioning of un-fragmented and unaltered examples of these habitats (Curtis 1959, Nuzzo 1986). Secondly, conservation techniques for land acquisition and management may have been initiated primarily from the point of view of another species group, more so vascular plants (Wright and Samways 1999). Thirdly, the efficacy of the ‘ecosystem approach’ is poorly tested, given the complexities of evaluating what and how to determine. Moreover, its efficacy in conserving species assemblages has not been carefully compared with other approaches such as single – species ‘flagships’ and ‘umbrellas’(Swengel & Swengel 1997and Simberloff 2002). Fourth, studies of entomological responses to ecosystem management techniques have used a variety of analytical approaches, comparisons, and taxonomical scales.
Though interesting, not all authors agree that many insects decline markedly in the immediate period during and after fire (0 to 1-2 months after fire) as compared to unburnt controls ( Leiby 1922, Rice 1932; Bulan and Barrett 1971, Lamotte 1975, Morris 1975, Dietrich et al 1998). They also seem to be on a consensus that the degree of reduction appears to be relative to the degree of exposure to the flames with lesser or no decline for species below ground, within or beneath unburnt wood, or above flames in treetops as illustrated (Rice 1932; Buffington 1967, Swengel and Swengel 1999). Amazing durability of a few individual insects has also been documented, for instance, complete inundation by a hurricane tide of the habitat occupied by the immature endangered Schaus’ swallowtail (Papilio aristodemus) did not result to a 100% mortality (Emmel and Daniels 1997). Therefore, fire can be effective for control of many undesirable insect populations (Miller 1979; Warren et al. 1996 and Cully 1999). Moreover, short term flush of insect carcasses can greatly reduce food for insectivorous vertebrates (Daubenmire 1968). It has been proven that mortality may result not only during the fire, but also afterward mostly during exposure and starvation (R...
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