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Analysis of Japan's Healthcare System

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See file for instruction. This is a group project, each student choose a section and write about it.
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Part 3 and 8: Analysis of Japan's Healthcare System Student Name Institution Course Professor Date Part 3 and 8: Analysis of Japan's Healthcare System Availability of and Access to Primary Health Care Services Japan's statutory health insurance system provides comprehensive primary care access through Japan's statutory health insurance system that mandates enrollment in employment-based or residence-based plans. It covers 98.3 per cent of the population and broad healthcare services (Matsuda, 2020). Taxes and individual contributions primarily fund it and provide hospital, primary, speciality care, and prescription drugs, providing the public access to healthcare. Universal health coverage ensures that individuals can access various medical services regardless of socioeconomic status, promoting equity in healthcare provision. The mandatory nature of the system ensures near-universal enrollment, stabilizing the system through risk pooling and shared financial responsibility. This uniformity contrasts sharply with private insurance models, which can result in disparities. Nevertheless, significant geographic disparities continue to exist. In urban areas, medical facilities and professionals are clustered, while rural areas often experience severe provider shortages, leading to limited access to timely care (Sakamoto et al., 2018). Urban residents have better access to more choices because there is more advanced medical infrastructure, more specialized services and more people working in healthcare. On the other side, rural and remote areas generally have fewer facilities and staff, meaning delays in treatment and limited access to essential services are to be expected. The government responds to these imbalances by offering financial incentives for rural practitioners and investments in telemedicine. Furthermore, the ageing population magnifies these...
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