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Allies and Social Change

Essay Instructions:

Essay Question:


What is the role of an ally and why is this important for social changes in regard to inequality? Select one group in the U.S. society (past or present) in which an ally was significant in bringing about change for this group to discuss in detail.  




  1. APA format
  2. Double spaced
  3. 4 pages
  4. Use 4-6 sources from the source material below (a quick Google search will find all the documents) do not use any other documents.


The Danger of A Single Story
Understanding the Origin of Skin Pigmentation (14:48), Ted Talks
What White Parents (Like Me) Should Not Tell Children
Imagine a Country, 2012, Holly Sklar
Domination & Subordination,  Jean Baker Miller
Defining Racism: "Can We Talk?", Beverly Daniel Tatum
Constructing Race, Creating White Privilege, Pem Davidson Buck
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Peggy McIntosh
Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, Annette Lareau

Myth of the Welfare Queen

Class in America: 2012, Gregory Mantsios

Deconstructing the Underclass, Herbet Gans

"Nickel and Dimed" from The American Ruling Class (about 10 mins), Bill Moyers

Cause of Death: Inequality, Alejandro Reuss

Still Separate, Still Unequal: America's Educational Apartheid, Jonathan Kozol

College Choices Are Limited for Students From Needy Familes, Report Says, Stephen Burd

The Making of the American 99% and the Collapse of the Middle Class, Barbara  Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich

Wealth Gaps Rise To Record Highs Between Whites, Blacks, Hispanics: Twenty-to-One, Kochhar, Fry, & Taylor

Mass Incarceration in the Time of Color-Blindness"  Michelle Alexander and Bryan Stephenson
Central Park 5: Short Video Report
 Harvard Law Professor Ogletree on the Arrest of Prof. Henry Louis Gates Short Video Report
A Class Divided (46: 00), Frontline
The Ethics of Living Jim Crow: An Autobiographical Sketch, Richard Wright
Ronald Reagan's Racially Tinged Messages 3 Min video
The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia: "Using Objects of Intolerance to Teach Tolerance and Promote Social Justice

C.P. Ellis, Studs Terkel

Without Sanctuary: Photographs and Postcards of Lynching in America,

The Black Codes, W.E.B. Du Bois
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Brown v. Board of Education: In Pursuit of Freedom and Equality Traveling Exhibit 

PBS Documentary: Awakening Part 1
Changing the World Part 2
Charting a New Course Part 2
ANITA 3 minute trailer for new documentary about Anita Hill
Night to His Day": The Social Construction of Gender, Judith Lorber
Patriarchy, Allan Johnson
Sexism, Strength and Dominance in Disney Film
Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, Seneca Falls Convention, 1848
United States Constitution: 19th Amendment, 1920
The Equal Rights Amendment (Defeated)
Study: Median Wealth for Single Black Women: $100, Single Hispanic Women: $120, Single White Women: $41,000 (20:02), Democracy Now!
Homophobia As a Weapon of Sexism, Suzanne Pharr

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Allies and Social Change
Student Name
Allies are people who are aware of the deprived privileges a section or the whole society are faced with due to the injustices by the elite faction and take responsibility to reverse this order or state. Allies may include the white people who acknowledge there is racism and take bold steps to end the practice, men who preach against sexism and gender violence, and also the wealthy people who fight for the rights of the poor in the society (Kozol, 2005). Becoming an ally is a daunting process that may be as a result of undergoing an unworthy experience, for example, seeing racists’ chants against a close friend. In transforming oneself into an ally, the basic steps usually involve
Understand what an ally is and define your role as an ally in a situation like campaigns against sexism or racism
Understand the risks and challenges involved in becoming an ally in your community
Making a firm decision to become one
Seek out the actions you will undertake as an ally
To get started as an ally, you have to know the issues at hand, its genealogy in your community and the obstacles involved. Understanding the history of these issues will make you a responsible and conscious ally. Normally, everyone has his own culture and perspective towards sexism or even racism. Knowing oneself and understanding the issue at hand will catapult you to the goal you envision as an ally. Technically, achieving this feet may be painstakingly long and sometimes you may suffer terrible consequences like jail terms or being looked down upon by the society; this may dishearten an ally but the hope and the vision of your results will take you through these experiences (Kozol, 2005). Building solid relationships with your group you are working with is necessary as the level of trust is dependent on this. Strong relationships would increase commitment to the movement contributing to its success. One has to be ready to take make mistakes and to keep on trying in the process of being an ally; sometimes being an ally means that you do not understand the hardships you would face, so you have to keep on asking questions or guidance and also keep abreast with the latest practices for better results.
Consider the marginalized less educated factions in the modern America. Many Americans who still live far from the vicinity of urban centres have no or less experience about urban public institutions and the realities involving racial segregation in the past years (Kochhar). It has been believed to be on the decline, but racial segregation is slowly but surely taking roots in the modern America. Consider the Chicago case, where a major percentage of the students enrolled to the university are Blacks and the Hispanics with the remaining fraction shared by other groups like the internationals and the whites (McIntosh). Even so, these statistics cannot deeply portray what the poor and segregated children living beyond the vicinities of major cities. The same can be said of institutions or neighborhoods majorly inhabited by the white population as racism is prevalent in such situations.
Earlier during our growth years, we are exposed to inaccurate information about other races considering that we are located in neighborhoods dominated by people similar to our own race or color; this gave us little or no opportunity...
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