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Week 6 Discussion 2: Alliance for Excellent Education

Essay Instructions:

Please see attachments to complete the assignment. I am also from Newark NJ please use my cicty and State a reference when looking up drop out rates,• According to the National Center for Education Statistics (see page 307 in your text) in 2013, eight (8) percent of U.S. students dropped out of high school which is an issue for parents, educators, and the community.

Using the internet, search for the term "high school dropout rates". You may want to include the name of your state or city in your search as well. What is the high school dropout rate for your state-NJ/city-Newark?

You may also visit the NCES website, for a list of high school dropout rates by state. Make sure you provide the correct rate for your state from the "Total" column. This data is for 2013, but if you are able to find more recent data - please share your source with us.

Discuss at least two (2) of the possible reasons why student's drop out and at least one (1) possible effect that your city's high school drop-out rate may have on the community. Provide a rationale for your response. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 6 discussion 2
Institutional Affiliation
According to State of New Jersey’s Department of education, the number of high school dropouts in the state of New Jersey was 7,991 students in 2015 to 2016, with 1,262 cases in my city of Newark, Essex County (State of New Jersey: Department of education, 2017). By 2014, there was a significant drop all over the country of high school dropouts to about seven percent. However, despite the reduced statistics, many high school students still leave school for various reason
The most significant contributor to high school dropouts is an academic failure. According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, academic success begins from the ability to read, determined in the third grade where the ability to read projects education success (2011, Apr 8). Thus, when a child passes this class with limited or no skills in reading, it becomes impossible for them to learn. Therefore, their transition to middle school and eventually high school continually get poor grades. As a result, they develop apathy and disappointment and ultimately, fall out of the school system.
Financial difficulties also lead to dropout cases. Children from low-income families are approximately 2.4 times more likely to drop out as compared to middle-income students. Poor students have more than education to focus on in their lives as circumstances of inadequaci...
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