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Air Pollution and the Social Interactions and Strategic Interdependence of the Players

Essay Instructions:


You will write a short essay (10% of your course grade) of maximum 1.500 words where you will apply the tools we have been working on, and making use of the readings so far, to explore a particular environmental problem you would like to see changing and that gives you hope.

Imagine an environmental outcome that affects society as a whole. For this essay you will explore how social interactions and strategic interdependence among possible players in your particular situation could turn into an improvement of well-being of society but will require to work out the incentives in favor and against two players to produce this desirable outcome you have hope for.

In this essay you will identify the components of the game (players, strategies, payoffs, information, as described in chapter 4 and 5 of CORE) and you will develop arguments for plausible payoffs structures in the matrix of the game to help you analyze your problem situation. A few key points: Not all games are prisoners' dilemmas or tragedies of the commons. There are other possible situations. Your payoffs will be hypothetical and they can be numerical or ordinal (See example at the end of chapter 4). Just make sure they make sense in the context in which you are working. Use the tools of analysis to explore your central question for your paper idea. You should include in your essay a matrix with a narrative (Example: Figure 4.1 in CORE) and a payoffs structure (Example Fig. 4.2a in CORE) and a justification of why these words and values. Also, you could chose to have an ordinal scale such as the one represented in Exercise 4.14 in CORE on the US China game on climate change). Make sure your essay addresses the institutional dimension, namely, how institutions, power, fairness and the Pareto criteria can be analyzed.

The rubric we will use for this essay will have the following components:

-There is a clear question that is being addressed in your analysis

-The game is clearly described using a payoffs matrix and all its components (players, strategies, payoffs, information)

-The game is analyzed using the tools of game theory (dominant strategies, possible equilibria, social optimality)

-Institutions, power, fairness and Pareto efficiency are discussed for your game (who benefits, who loses)


-Style (clarity, spelling, references, graphs, tables)

For purposes of facilitating everyone, this is similar to the game of driving on your right, let us all use the APA system for citing your sources. Here is a link to a good guide.

Here are some FAQ for Essay-1 from questions that I have received:

Yes, the essay should have at least one matrix with two players and two choices each with a description, that reflects the situation you are analyzing.

The cells in the matrix can be based on numbers or with ordinal scales (for example: best>intermediate>bad>worst) that allow for comparisons between choices for each player.

These numbers or ordinal values are of course made up, but they have to make sense and be well justified in the setup of your story.

yes you have to analyze your game by identifying if there are or not dominant strategies, equilibria and social and Pareto efficiencies.

The words in the tables or matrices should not be counted in the 1,500 words limit.

Let me know if you have other questions


Chapters 4 and 5 CORE. You can find it here https://www(dot)core-econ(dot)org/the-economy/book/text/01.html

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Air Pollution
The world is dealing with several environmental problems. The environment changes, causing disasters, cooling, and weather patterns to increase and vary significantly. Thus, raising public awareness of emerging environmental issues is also necessary. Environmental issues are the adverse effects of human activity on the environment. The problems include pollution, overpopulation, improper waste disposal, climate change, global warming, and the greenhouse effect. Air pollution is one of the major contributors to disease worldwide. It is a public health challenge since it causes various human illnesses like cancer (Turner et al., 2020), lung diseases, heart diseases, and stroke. Air pollution can also threaten the immune system (Glencross, 2020). Hence, the dramatic environmental changes and their adverse effects on health highlight the importance of environmental stewardship to avoid contributing to environmental issues, notably air pollution.
According to the World Health Organization (n.d.), air pollution is defined as contamination of the environment by any agent that alters the natural properties of the atmosphere. Sources of air pollution include domestic combustion devices, vehicles, industrial facilities, and forest fires. Public health concerns include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. These pollutants are harmful to humans, other creatures, and the environment. Studies have proven that air pollution is a challenge to public health. The World Health Organization (n.d.) reveals that air pollution is associated with seven million deaths annually. Therefore, it is critical to address the problem of air pollution. The resolution of the issue will address two issues: environmental and health. Reduced air pollution may help reduce the number of people who become ill.
Furthermore, reducing air pollution will contribute less to climate change. As a result, addressing the issue of air pollution is critical. Clean and fresh air symbolizes hope and gives hope to future generations in this world.
Player’s Dilemma
Industrial sources are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. The typical industrial activities are production, food manufacturing, mineral extraction, and construction. Various processes produce direct emissions in the industry, including on-site burning of fossil fuels, non-energy use of fossil fuels, and chemical methods used in manufacturing iron, metal, and cement. Furthermore, industry emits indirect emissions because of the centralized generated electricity it consumes. The industrial sector accounts for almost a quarter of total electricity sales in the United States. When direct and indirect emissions are combined, the industrial sector accounts for nearly 30 percent of the overall emissions in the United States economy (United States Environmental Protection Agency, n.d.). As a result, if the industrial sector is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, it must also be responsible for devising ways to protect the environment.
Figure 1
One-Shot Prisoner’s Dilemma Pay-Off Matrix

Company A

Reduce the Use of Air Pollutants

Do Not Reduce the Use of Air Pollutants

Company B

Reduce the Use of Air Pollutants



Do Not Reduce the Use of Air Pollutants



Air pollution can be viewed as a prisoner’s dilemma. Even though multiple players have varying costs, advantages, and interests, the concept remains the same. Individually, the best outcome for any company would be for it to continuously use air pollutants, while other companies will reduce their use of air pollutants. This event would give the polluter a competitive advantage over c...
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