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Agew’s General Strain Theory

Essay Instructions:

Hello Writer,

This assignment is for my Criminology course, and she is strict, so please follow my instructions carefully. For this assignment, I have to choose one of the theories on the topic and explain why I think it is more valid and superior. The one I prefer is Agew’s General Strain Theory. I can only use the book, so please no outside references. I only have the paperback of the book, so I will upload the pictures of the text as well as the front of the book. Please have at least one direct quote from the text and paraphrase any other quotes you are gonna use. Also, please be descriptive. I will add the text of the other theories, just in case you want to make a comparison of the theories. Thank you so much for help.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

General Strain Theory
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General Strain Theory
Agnew's General Strain Theory is the most valid explanation for criminal behavior. According to Agnew, there are three primary sources of strain: failure to achieve goals that are valued positively, exposure to negative stimuli, and removing stimuli that are positively valued (Tibbetts, 2019, p. 128). Agnew argues that the frustration resulting from these sources of strain leads to feelings of anger and an increased likelihood of engaging in criminal and deviant behavior. One of the notable strengths of this theory is its inclusivity, as it considers individuals from all social classes and economic positions, unlike previous strain theories that primarily focus on the lower class.
The concept of general strain theory is bolstered by research that has established a correlation between sources of strain and the experience of negative emotions, such as anger. Additionally, these studies point out that intervention programs prioritizing educational and vo...
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