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Advantages and Disadvantages of GM Food. Social Sciences Essay

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This is Cause and effect essay.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of GM Food
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What Is The Worst-Case Scenario Of The Effects Of GM Food On Both Consumers And The Environment? The Best-Case Scenario?
I. Introduction
By definition, genetic modification (GM), alternatively known as recombinant-DNA technology or genetic engineering, is a technique that facilitates the transfer of selected individual genes between organisms and between non-related species. Genetic modification is one of the techniques used to introduce novel characteristics or traits into animals, micro-organisms, and plants. The products obtained from this technology are widely identified as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GM foods are foods that have been modified to enhance certain characteristics for the purpose of making them more appealing to consumers, drought resistant, disease resistant, and herbicide tolerant. Since the development of this technique, modified foods have gained popularity throughout the years, and with their increased popularity, there has also been great controversy.
II. Discussion
The controversy around GM foods is huge and heated on either side. One of the main considerations when arguing against the use of GM food is the worst-case scenario which presents itself in the form of potential harm on both the consumer and the environment. In consumers, the most prevalent effect of consuming GM foods is allergic reactions which occur when a particular allergen/protein existing in the GM crop enters the body and causes an immune response (Dona, 2009). Additionally, because genes from two organisms are being combined, new allergies could happen. Because some embedded genes are derived from viruses and bacteria, the probability of diseases being transferred is also dreaded. GM foods may also increase their secretion of toxins at levels already detrimental to humans. Thus, by consuming such foods with toxins, the probability of ingesting the toxin and being affected is high (Lusk, 2004). Ironically, some GM foods have been reported to lack nutritional value. Since genetic modification focuses on prolonging lifespan, increasing productivity, and the ability to deter pests, sometimes, the nutritional value of some crops is compromised. Hence, by modifying foods genetically, quantity is compromised over quality.
The effects of GM foods extend further than simply harming the consumer’s health. Concerning its environmental effects, toxicity is a cosmic problem concerning GM foods. One specific paradigm is the Bt Corn, known commonly for its pest controlling ability. The Bt Corn contains DNA t...
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