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Week 4 Journal. Please read the article first, and then write your journal

Essay Instructions:

Week Four Journal

In the last two weeks we have discussed the challenges of care-giving and retaining dignity in end of life care, especially for those with intense care-giving trajectories like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. We have also considered in our reading the important issue of death, and planning for end of life care through advanced directives or for some going one step further in choosing when to die. There are a lot of opinions and beliefs around having the legal right to end our lives on our terms and most of the focus is on the effect of the decision on family and whether it is seriously considered. The Last Day of Her Life (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. article is a sensitive and thorough account of the decision to choose when to die, which provides the perspective of the elder who wants to choose to die on their terms.

Please read the article first, and then write your journal, reflecting on the following:

In your social sphere have you ever had to deal with death and/or the decision of choosing when to end a life? What were some of the challenges of that experience or making the decision? [For some the experience of euthanizing a pet can mirror similar experiences that occur when considering end of life decisions for a human life; so if you have not faced the death of a family member but understand the emotions and end of life decisions around a pet, feel free to share it instead or you can consider your thought processes if a member of your family was near the end of their life].

Does your culture or belief system form your views on death and end of life decisions? How so?

How has reading the account of Dr. Bem’s choice to end her life, affected your views on a human’s right to “die with dignity”?

Do you feel that Dr. Bem considered the consequences of her choice and the affect it would have on her family?

If a family member or close friend was afflicted with a debilitating condition or was suffering at the end of their life, would you be willing to support their decision to “die with dignity”? Why or why not?

The journal response should be three pages in length (including title page) and cover all prompts in the instructions.

[Reminder: Journaling about the topic can help you process your developing views and reflect on your growth as you learn. Unlike a research paper, you do not have to cite references or use APA formatting. Rather, journal assignments are intended to be a presentation of your reflections and thoughts of your development based on the topics and resources of the course.]

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 4 Journal
Author Name
University Name
Imagine a society in which people choose their time of deaths – whether they have been forced to kill themselves by their own family members or are simply tired of their hectic lifestyles – they can live and die according to their own terms. On The Last Day of Her Life, it has been revealed that everyone has the legal right to decide when he or she should die and neither his family nor the government can interfere with his personal matters. But the question is “when should the person kill himself?” Sandy Bem, a psychology professor at Cornell University, had Alzheimer’s disease. Besides all the comforts, luxuries and success of life, Sandy was tired of her illness and chose to die on 20th May 2014 (Henig, 2015).
In your social sphere have you ever had to deal with death and/or the decision of choosing when to end a life? What were some of the challenges of that experience or making the decision?
In my entire life, I have never seen anyone killing himself as brutally as Sandy Bem did. It’s true that she was fighting some severe complications, but her decision of choosing her time of death was absolutely wrong. She could opt for advanced treatments or medications rather than taking her family into confidence in this regard. We should not forget that ups and downs are a part of life and that killing ourselves is not the solution to any problem. The problems Sandy had in her life could be resolved with communication and mutual interaction. I do not think any issue or conflict can provoke us to kill ourselves, so Sandy Bem’s decision was ethically, morally and socially wrong and out of context.
Does your culture or belief system form your views on death and end of life decisions? How so?
Just like other societies, cultures, and religions, neither my culture and religion nor the society allow me to end my life. I have always been taught that we should face problems with courage and stamina, and killing ourselves is not correct. Throughout the world, I do not think there is any culture or belief system that permits people to choose their time of deaths. We should bear in mind that Almighty God is there to decide all these things, and we are not th...
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