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UFO cults: Aetherius Society

Essay Instructions:

For the major essay of this course you are expected to prepare a a research report on one of the so-called UFO cults. These are religious movements that operate based on the belief that extraterrestrials are advanced beings who are either creators of humankind or morally advanced enough to provide us with teachings that direct us in the right path. Some of these cults await the arrival of extraterrestrials who they believe come to the rescue of humankind from the evil of war, famine and nuclear calamity.

Before getting started with writing of your essay, please note the following:

Your essay must contain the answer to the majority of the following questions but note that you cannot list the responses to these answers in a bullet form and submit it as your essay:

(a) When and where the cult of your choice formed?

(b) What are their major beliefs? Discuss one or two particular rituals.

(c) Are they still active? If so, in what countries. What is their reported number of

membership? Do they have members and/or representatives in Canada?

(d) Given the fact that many of these cults rely on the belief in the existence of life on

planets in the solar system, how have the recent discoveries about the conditions of

other planets in the solar system resulted in the modification of their beliefs.

(e) By looking at the websites of these cults, examine their response to the current global

pandemic. Note that some of them might not have responded but I know of at least two of these cults who have actively responded to the pandemic.

(3) Your essay must be 1200 (+/-20) words, excluding the references. The font must be Times New Roman, 12 pt.

(4) References must be in MLA format with in text referencin

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Aetherius Society
A number of studies in relation to religions focusing on UFO might be a great pointer to just how much there is interest in this fringe branch of religion. The whole thing revolves around what exactly is captured in the imaginations and personal beliefs of people, about their fixation onto the unknown. Perhaps the biggest question for most of these people is ‘are we alone in the universe?’ It is a mind-blowing question that can set someone onto thoughts about their very existence. In his search for answers, man has opted to go into religion to answer most of the questions, including the aforementioned one. Various religions have come up, to try and explain the UFO phenomenon from both a natural to a supernatural point of view. This paper examines the origin of the Aetherius Society, its central beliefs, and its response to the coronavirus pandemic and discoveries in the solar system.
When George King revealed that he had communicated with Cosmic Masters in the 1950s, people were understandably shocked. The incredulity grew when the Aetherius Society was formed and members believed that a group of aliens will one day take their spirits onto a spaceship. Although George King died in 1997, membership of Aetherius Society has significantly increased, making the organization an international religious group. The society’s central beliefs are based on planetary beings despite the mention of God. As a result, while the society appreciates the magnitude of the coronavirus and various significant discoveries regarding the solar system, it is thought that further discovery and solutions are unattainable without the help of intelligent beings.
Formation and membership of Aetherius Society
The Society was established in the mid-1950s in London by George King after he was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius”. As a result, the main teachings of the society consist of the wisdom given to King by Master Aetherius and other advanced intelligences from this world and beyond. Currently, the society is headquartered in California. However, it has offices and representatives in other North America countries, Africa, Australia, and London. In Canada, the society’s representatives are located along 2768 Chartrand Rd in Ottawa and 1300 Britannia Rd in Mississauga. The society’s representative and members in Canada offer numerous services including sacred mantra, prayers for the sick and mystic visualizations (The Aetherius Society).
In North America, the society’s members are mainly adults, middle-class, and white. However, in Australia, white members are the minority. Further, the majority of the society’s priests are women and black (Wallis 31). Therefore, although the exact number of the society’s members is not known, its overall membership is cosmopolitan. Importantly, for one to be a member of Aetherius Society, he/she must have studied the following; The Cosmic Plan, The Twelve Blessings, The Nine Freedoms, and Realize Your Inner Potential. These readings are critical in the undertaking of Operation Prayer Power and Operation Starlight, which involve listening to instructions from George King and messages from various cosmic masters.
The belief in UFO is profound, especially due to the fact that looking up at the sky and seeing the vastness of the universe. UFO religions are based upon the belief that there is a much more powerful civilization than the one on earth. This belief in a civilized extraterrestrial race is even more intriguing, considering that the origins of such a race or races within the universe can’t be exactly traced. This makes the mysterious nature of UFOs to garner a religious following.
Beliefs of Aetherius Society
The beliefs of the Aetherius Society are quite intricate. Members mention God frequently during prayers although planetary beings occupy the central stage. The central belief of Aetherius Society is based on a pantheon of beings. These beings reside on other planets and are spiritually and scientifically advanced than human beings. Although those beings are not known, there is mention of Shri Krishna, The Master Jesus, Lao Tsu, and Lord Buddha in the society’s literature. The primary objective of these interplanetary beings is to develop and preserve spirituality on earth. Through this process of development and pres...
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