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The Life of Moses: The 5 Periods of Moses Life, What Do You Learn About God from Moses Life

Essay Instructions:

1.Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2.Review Chapter 9 in your textbook, God with Us: An Introduction to the Old Testament.

3.Review the following in a standard translation of the Bible as noted in the syllabus: a.Deuteronomy 34:10–13 and Exodus 19:1–25, 23:20–24:12

b.Read the reflection on Moses from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

4.Write a paper addressing the following: a.Moses’ life (500 words) i.List and briefly describe observations from each of the 5 periods of Moses’ life as talked about in the article from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

ii.Explore Exodus 19:1-25 and explain the preparations that God instructed Moses to have the people engage in before God gives the 10 Commandments. Why do you think that these preparations were so necessary for the people? Do you believe that these preparations have any application for how God's people prepared to engage God's presence in worship today? Explain.

iii.What do you learn about God from Moses’ life?

b.The Tabernacle (500 words) i.Explain the significance of the Tabernacle. Why was it placed in the middle of the camp of the Israelites?

ii.List the five types of sacrifice required from the Hebrews and discuss what these sacrifices suggest about God’s plan and expectations for Hebrew worship. See Chapter 9, pages 103–104 in your textbook.

c.God’s covenants (1000 words) i.Summarize the promises God made to the Hebrews as a people through Moses (Exodus 19:1–8; Exodus 23:20 through 24:12).

ii.Describe the characteristics and function of ancient covenants as seen in these Exodus passages.

iii.Identify and describe the significance of at least three modern day covenants. 1.For example, how is putting an “honesty statement” on your paper a form of covenant?

2.Why is a down payment important in business transactions?

iv.As you think about the significance of a covenant, what insight do you gain about God and your relationship with God?

5.Be sure to cite and reference your textbook where you quote or paraphrase the author’s thoughts. Cite scriptures you use in your paper. All citations should be formatted using correct APA format.

6.Copy the questions into the body of your paper and answer the questions in well-written paragraphs. a.Your responses should demonstrate understanding (synthesis) of the material. Simple lists or sentence fragments are not acceptable.

b.Whenever possible, apply the principles learned to life in the twenty-first century.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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* List and briefly describe observations from each of the 5 periods of Moses’ life as talked about in the article from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
Moses was born when all Israelites' baby boys were being killed by casting them into River Nile, while girls were spared. This forced his mother to hide him down River Nile, hoping that he would survive. He was later found by the daughter of Pharaoh, who took him to the palace and decided to look for someone who would take care of him. The source of the name Moses is shown in Exodus 2:10, which states, "She named him Moses, saying, I drew him out of the water.” The names of Moses’ parents are not indicated in the Bible.
Moses' mother could see a goodly aspect about him right he was born. This is illustrated in Exodus 2:2, which states, “And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months." Moses was raised in the palace under the care of Pharaoh's daughter, and he was able to learn all the wisdom and ways of the Egyptians. Although there is very little knowledge of Moses's childhood and early manhood, he was expected to be the heir to Pharaoh's daughter, given that she did not have a son of her own. Nevertheless, despite growing up in the palace, Moses never considered himself to be an Egyptian. As a result, he was hurt by the suffering and hard labour being subjected to his fellow Israelites by the Egyptians. Another major event in Moses's life was fleeing from Egypt after he discovered that people had known that he had killed an Egyptian who was fighting an Israelite. When he was in exile, God did appear to Moses in the form of a burning bush. It is that time that God instructed Moses to back to Egypt and deliver his fellow Israelites from slavery. Although Moses was doubtful at first, God told him to tell the Egyptians that "I AM has sent me unto you.” (Exodus 3:14). Since Moses did stammer, God gave him Aaron to be his helper. At that time, Moses had to left with Aaron to Egypt to deliver Israelites from slavery while his family was to be looked after by his in-laws.
* Explore Exodus 19:1-25 and explain the preparations that God instructed Moses to have the people engage in before God gives the Ten Commandments. Why do you think that these preparations were so necessary for the people? Do you believe that these preparations have any application for how God’s people prepared to engage God’s presence in worship today? Explain.
There were several preparations the Israelites had to perform before God gave them the Ten Commandments. One of them was that Israelites had to wash their clothes as a sign of understanding God’s holiness. More so, the Israelites had to refrain from any sexual activities as a way of refraining from personal indulgences that would have swayed their minds and hearts from God. More so, the people were told not to go near Mt. Sinai and should not force their way through to see God as that would perish (Exodus 19:21-25).
From this situation, modern Christians can learn that any spiritual interaction requires adequate preparation. It is not right to seek Him when their hearts and minds are focused on earthly and personal things. More so, it shows that God is concerned with people’s personal cleanliness and should strive to be clean while visiting holy places such as churches.
* What do you learn about God from Moses’ life?
One of the lessons is that God prepares human beings for their roles during the early stages of their lives. God planned that Moses be brought up by Pharaoh's daughter and learn about the Egyptians to help him deliver Israelites from slavery. Moses's life illustrates that God answers prayers and does not forsake His people when they are in need. Another lesson is that God can bring salvation to His people even by using ordinary people like Moses. Lastly, Moses's life shows that God is jealous and demands that human beings be fully obedient and committed to His ways.
* The Tabernacle (500 words)
* Explain the significance of the Tabernacle. Why was it placed in the middle of the camp of Israelites
The Tabernacle was a portable sanctuary (place of worship) built by Moses, which God commanded the Israelites to have He had rescued them from slavery. It was the place of worship used by the Israelites during their period in the wilderness before arriving in the Promised Land. This is because they could not build a permanent worship structure during their 40 years wandering as they headed to the Promised Land. As a result, it was used until the temple of Jerusalem was built by King Solomon. The construction of the Tabernacle was done based on specific instructions provided by God. Notably, God even provided the measurements and structures that had to be used during its construction, which is illustrated in Exodus 2:9-19. Before the arrival of Jesus Christ, God used physical places to illustrate His presence among human beings. It after the death and resurrection of Jesus that God began dwelling in human hearts. At the time of Moses, the Tabernacle was the holy place in which God’s presence would be felt among the Israelites. The reason for placing the Tabernacle in the middle of the Israelites’ camp was to illustrate that God was at the center of their lives and show God’s continued presence among them. Another significance of the Tabernacle is that it was the place in which the tablets of the Ten Commandments were stored. Another crucial aspect of the Tabernacle is that it was the place in which some of the sacrifices were made. In this regard, the Tabernacle was an earthly sanctuary inspired by God and represented God's presence among the Israelites.
* List the five types of sacrifice required from the Hebrews and discuss what these sacrifices suggest about God’s plan and expectations for Hebrew worship.
The first one was the Burnt offering, which an animal sacrifice which was usually consumed by fire, the skin of the sacrificed animal was given to the priests and illustrated the Israelites devotion and commitment to God. The next one was the grain offering, which was a sacrifice that did not involve animals. The grain offering's significance was for the Israelites to remember how God had delivered them from slavery. The other sacr...
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