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The Meaning of the Text as Paul Intended

Essay Instructions:

Paraphrase. Based on the study you have done thus far (Steps 1-3) write a paraphrase of our text, using your own words that reflect your understanding of the meaning of the text as Paul intended.

Identify ideas in the text that you believe could have an impact on how modern followers of Jesus can better be “Jesus to the world” around us.

Think about the meta-narrative of Scripture by “reading from the top down” to use Witherington’s language. How does the content of this text fit within the “big story” of the Bible?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Meaning of the Text as Paul Intended
Research Exercise Step 4: Philippians 2:5-11
Fellow Christians, the true virtue I urge you to have is that of love. Love your brothers and sisters each other as Christ Jesus does. I then urge you to follow and adhere to the teachings of Christ, accept Him, and follow Him as He is the one and proper guidance. I encourage you, my church, to embody Christ's nature and have a sense of togetherness and love for each other. Do not be selfish, have each other's interests at heart as Christ has for you. Be humble, I urge you, as Christ in His divine essence and nature. Although Jesus Christ indeed is a faithful God, in nature and likeness, He gave up all He had and His free will. In giving up His will and true nature, He took the nature of a humble servant. He appeared in human likeness and became like a normal human being. I urge you, therefore, to practice humility in all you do, do not be harsh towards each other, and be mindful of your brothers and sisters.
My brothers and sisters, be content in Christianity and the little you have. Do not quarrel with each other over worldly possession, for in Christ, we are full of love and the Spirit. Let us all aim to find satisfaction in our lives as we yearn for Christ’s fulfilling teachings. As Christ showed us, despite His being equal to God and having the nature of God, He did not think or try to force His equality with God. He remained content in His nature and His position. My fellow Christians, I ask you to be obedient to Christ and stay faithful in His teachings. Obey His will and submit to His authority, for by doing so, you will increase your understanding of Him and fill the desires of your heart. By obeying Him and staying faithful in Him and His teachings, you will understand that He will never forsake you and that you will never be alone. As Christ showed us, He remained obedient to God the Father to His death on the cross. Despite Him being equal to God, He stayed faithful to God’s will because He knew God loved Him and would never leave Him, even in death.
Through Christ’s obedience to God, He was exalted. God raised Hi...
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