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The Theological and Thematic Distinctives of Each Gospel

Essay Instructions:

In consultation with the Witherington chapter, answer the following for each gospel in prose form:




What are the theological and thematic distinctives of each gospel?

How is each gospel uniquely structured?

How does each gospel uniquely present Jesus?

Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words. The write a follow up post in support of your original post as well as a post in opposition of your original post. Each follow up response should be a minimum of 125 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Theological and Thematic Distinctives of Each Gospel
Initial Post
The four gospels document the life of Christ from His birth, ministry, death, and His resurrection. The gospels are the books of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John. In these gospels, Jesus is depicted as God, but in human form. Although all the four gospels share multiple similarities in their prophetic accounts, equivalence in characters, miracles, and scriptural lessons, they contain unique themes (Witherington, 2014). St. Matthew’s gospel's theme is commitment and fulfillment. St. Mark's gospel, likely to have been the first one, centers on the deeds of Jesus, His strength, and His will to defeat evil. In the gospel of St. Luke, the central theme is salvation, and in the gospel of St. John, the central theme centers on proving that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. Indeed, the four gospels contain similarities in Christ's life. However, they have unique structures, and each gospel has a unique representation of Jesus.
St. Matthew’s gospel contains five discourses used to describe Christ’s life. The first discourse is called the sermon on the mount. This discourse acts as a guide to faithful discipleship. It contains Christ's beatitudes, mostly expressed as blessings to the faithful. In the second discourse, Christ encourages His disciples to preach only to Israelites. Christ further warns them to be wary of enemies but assures them that no harm shall befall them because they will be told what to say in their defense. The third discourse, the parabolic discourse, offers parables describing the kingdom of heaven. The fourth discourse, known as the discourse on the church, offers hope for Christians in their anticipation of entering the kingdom of heaven. The fifth discourse, known as the discourse on end, offers guidance on the conduct of devotees and staying wary of the coming judgment. St. Matthew’s gospel portrays Jesus, Son of God, as the Messiah and greatest prophet who brings forth the new law. St. Mark's gospel describes the life and journey of Jesus. This gospel tells us Christ’s testimony of miracles and shows us that a woman was healed when she touched Jesus’ cloak. In Mark's gospel, Jesus explains to His disciples the suffering that awaits, leading to His death and resurrection. Mark presents Jesus as more than just a man, stating that He was willing to die for ...
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