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Spiritual Discipline: Barrier to Spiritual Growth

Essay Instructions:

Over the next two weeks, you will practice a spiritual discipline and write about your experience. Take a look at the attached list provided and identify a barrier to spiritual growth (what Barton calls "sin") that you feel might be keeping you from becoming the person God wants you to be.

Next, read the chapter about the corresponding spiritual discipline in Soul Feast.


For two weeks, practice this spiritual discipline daily and keep a daily journal about your experience. In your daily journal, in one to two sentences each, answer these questions:

Describe your experience practicing this discipline today.

What has God shown you through this discipline today?

Were there any challenges to practicing your spiritual discipline and how did you deal with those challenges?


After two weeks, you will submit a report of your experience. Your report will have three parts:

In the first part, in a two-to-three sentence introduction, explain the barrier and corresponding discipline you chose to practice during the two-week period.

In the second part, include all of your daily journal entries, typed out.

In the third part, in two-to-three sentences, conclude you report with what you learned from this experience and how you can apply this to your life going forward.

Your report needs to be at least 900 words, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, and submitted in a Microsoft Word document

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Spiritual Practice Essay
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Part 1: Barrier to Spiritual Growth
Self-reliance is the aspect of relying on your own strength, other than letting God take control over your life (Thompson, 2015). I will be practicing this discipline in two weeks (14 days). Notably, the barrier is self-reliance, while the corresponding discipline is prayer, fasting, and spiritual direction.
Part 2: Daily Journal
Day 1
Today I was practicing prayer, and I categorized it into three parts. My objective is to pray three times a day. It is the end of the day, and the experience was quite unique but equally challenging. For instance, I almost forgot to pray three times (3. am, 12. pm, and 4 pm). I intend to set the alarm to stick to the plan. I am still hoping God will show me something over the two weeks. Today I did not get a spiritual revelation.
Day 2
Today I tried to follow the alarm to be on schedule. However, I missed the 3. am alarm, and I did not achieve the objective today. I am happy that I did my prayers as planned despite missing the morning prayers. Today I was seeking spiritual guidance through prayers and reading the word of God. My experience was great today as I continued to practice this particular discipline. I feel God is preparing me for the significant encounter as I continue practicing the discipline. The main challenge was listening to God as I prayed. To solve the problem, I will be taking time to meditate.
Day 3
Today I observed all the alarms and met the objective. I managed to pray throughout the day, and I feel pretty nourished. God is giving me more strength, and I am learning to be patient through His grace. I did not encounter many challenges today since I am getting acquainted with the program.
Day 4
I am getting deep into the practice, and my spirit is gaining the strength to pursue the discipline. It is challenging since I had to leave my work post to do my 4 pm prayers. I was seeking spiritual guidance through prayers and reading the word of God. I intend to keep pushing myself to the limit and achieve the objective by the end of the day. As mentioned, the main challenge was time, but I intend to find a convenient place to carry on my prayers, especially on Thursdays.
Day 5
Today I am practicing fasting and prayers to counter the aspect of self-reliance. God was showing me the implications of self-reliance as a child of God. Throughout the prayers, I learned that God is ready to solve our problems, and all we need is to let Him take control. He is a sovereign God, and He is willing to lift us with His right hand as long as we do not rely on ourselves. The only challenge I encountered was fasting since I am not used to it. To solve the problem, I will allocate more time to fasting.
Day 6
I started my daily routine of prayers in the morning and complet...
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