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Saffron Bread at St. Lucia's Day

Essay Instructions:

For this project, you will research a food that is common to many cultures OR a cultural tradition featuring symbolic foods. Topics will be chosen from the approved list below. You will present a history of the food or cultural tradition from an anthropological/historical point of view. For a food topic, you will describe traditional uses in the cultures where it is used, including symbolic uses of the food, historical importance, and any restrictions on the use of the food. For a cultural tradition, you will include discussion of associated symbolic food(s) and their meaning in the context of the celebration, and typical preparations. You will also discuss changing uses of the food or cultural tradition in the modern world due to immigration and globalization.

The paper will be minimum 4-5 pages, double-spaced, in length and must include a list of at least 4 references in APA format (Times New Roman 12 point font, 1” margins all around). In-paper citations should follow the same approved format (APA). The references should be publications from the library with working permalinks. Websites are not acceptable. All of your references should be publications from the MLK Library (do not use other library databases), with working SJSU library link included (test the link; points will be deducted for non-working links). You may use books, journals, magazines, and newspapers. NO WEBSITES - use of websites as sources will be penalized at minus 10 points per source (this includes information from blogs, FaceBook, personal websites, or wikis). Important note: If you falsely cite sources, you will receive a 0 for the paper and be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development for violation of academic integrity. Turnitin.com originality score of 10% or less is expected, as you will be allowed to resubmit your paper.

Note: This paper is a research paper and should be written as an objective presentation of the information you have found in researching the topic. Do not include personal opinions or preferences (write in 3rd person only).







Attached are the articles from the link. (In case the link doesn't work)

Please use the information from Gale or try to stick with the articles attached. She has turn it in on so please try to reference everything!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

St. Lucia’s Day
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St. Lucia’s Day
Cultural traditions are often associated with symbolic foods and mark the celebration of a particular event or individual important to a community. St. Lucia Day, luciadagen, is a cultural tradition observed in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. This tradition is observed on December 13th to commemorate an ancient Christian martyr, Lucia. Christianity was prohibited during the Roman reign, and those who held on to it were exterminated. Lucia stood by her Christian beliefs and spent most of her life helping the needy. The Romans persecuted St. Lucia due to her steadfast beliefs. St. Lucia day falls on the solstice, which was observed among the ancient Norse to scare evil and alter the sun’s course. An integration of both Christian and pagan beliefs, St. Lucia day is meant to bring hope and light during the darkest time of the year in Scandinavian countries. The traditional foods associated with St. Lucia day include Saffron Bread, Gingerbreads, coffee, and mulled wine.
Saffron bread is considered the most symbolic food in St. Lucia's day tradition. The contextual meaning of the saffron bread differs with different pers[ective at which the tradition is observed. One of the outstanding features of this food is its golden color, resulting from the spice saffron. According to Snyder (n.d.), this color is symbolic of the significance of the tradition among Swedish people. It symbolizes the hope that the long winter will end and light will come. In the Scandinavian countries, winter is longer and darker than in other countries in the southern parts of the world. Also, when the celebrations take place, the solstice has a longer night than day. The golden bread during the celebration indicates hope for lighter days amidst dark winter.
Saffron bread also reflects the contextual meaning of the name Lucia in Sweden. Lucia is associated with light in Latin, a language associated with Christianity. However, Lucia has also been associated with the devil in swede, especially in pagan beliefs. In the Christian perspective, the use of golden-colored bread is symbolic of the literal meaning of the tradition- Lucia. St. Lucia is considered the bearer of light in the Swedish and Christian contexts (Snyder, n.d.). During the celebration, a girl playing the role of Lucia serves the golden saffron bread, bringing out the aspect of St. Lucia as the light bearer. From a pagan context, the concept of light is drawn from the ancient Norse celebration of the solstice with large bonfires to scare the evil spirits (Britannica, 2018). The use of golden saffron bread is associated with light in a pagan context.
The saffron bread is s-shaped with two raisins on each side representing eyes. These features also give this food its symbolic attachment to St. Lucia day. In Swedish, this bread is referred to as Lussekatter. This term also translates into Lucia’s cats or saffron buns, which explains the shape of the buns (Stalcup, 2002). Cats were associated with evil spirits and the devil during the medieval period. There is a common belief among Swedish communities that anyone awake can hear cattle speaking or witness other paranormal events (Stalcup, 2002). From a pagan perspective, the solstice was dedicated to eradicating evil spirit, which influences the integration of evil representation in the bread’s s...
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