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Results of Buddhism Resembling and Contrasting Humanism in the Technology-Oriented World

Essay Instructions:

Each student will select an aspect of one of the religious traditions studied in this course, and write a critical paper of full five pages (minimum 1500 words excluding title and reference pages). The student should frame a topic that is of interest to her/him. It could involve library research and internet research. It could be a historical paper or a more theoretical paper addressing some of the literature. It could be a fieldwork paper-based, for example, on a virtual visit to Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Daoist or Buddhist temple/monastery or museums Therefore, each student has the responsibility of posing the question that will guide her/his research. Depending on the topic that is chosen, the sources could be the libraries (periodicals, newsletter, videos, tapes, and books) and the internet. Students may extend and deepen the same topic, which s/he has done in-class presentation.

Some examples of how you would be able to develop your thoughts on your paper are:

-Why is religious literacy (knowledge of other religions) thought to be relevant even for people who are not religious?

-Some people are fixed within their own views. They have been taught the world should operate in a certain way, and it is how they see the world. Discuss how “inflexibility” of each person’s view affect his/her attitude as well as society overall. Think about the meaning of (religious) intolerance.

- Study newspaper articles on the actual cases of religious intolerance in this contemporary society. Describe the interfaith experience if you have had (either positive or negative) at your school or in a community where you live (or lived.)

- The term, Anekantavada in Jainism refers to non-one-sidedness or manifoldness. Anekantavada encourages its adherents to consider the views of opposing parties. How do you apply the concept of Anekantavada to cultivate the attitudes of anti-racism?

- Why opening our hearts is essential? How can you develop a positive attitude/notion in your life? How do you apply them (open your heart) to sexual equality and LGBTQ? Discuss the issue from religious perspectives.

- If you would engage in business (an entrepreneur) or work as a medical professional in the future, how do you define ethics in your workplace? Why is it needed? Consider the reason from the standpoint of religions.

-Suppose that you are working as a medical professional; explore the story of a moral dilemma during classroom discussions (e.g., the issue of euthanasia and animal experiments.)

-If you are a business major, how do you define the purpose of economics? Is it possible to balance consumerism and the notion of Buddhism (e.g., Zen way of living)?

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The Results of Buddhism Resembling and Contrasting Humanism in the Technology-Oriented World
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The Results of Buddhism Resembling and Contrasting Humanism in the Technology-Oriented World
Both Buddhism and Humanism are two broadly known practices in the world. Buddhism, mainly considered a theology, is more like a religious practice without any omnipotent God as the central belief. It began in the east and spread worldwide, even in the western world. Humanism is a newly launched western approach to living a socially, ethically, and morally sound life. Both systems are followed worldwide. However, the western generations, becoming more scientifically advanced and technology-focused, are inclined to believe only in practicality, logic, and science. With similarities and differences, Buddhism and Humanism appeal differently to Westerners. With its many rational perspectives, the Buddhist approach becomes overshadowed by the Humanist approach for the latter's more resonant rational attitude. Although the former is also not a religion and has logical elements, it becomes more doctrinaire for its many beliefs. Buddhism is similar to Humanism's rejection of divinity, valuing reasoning and compassion, and human and animal rights. At the same time, religion crosses the humanist approach in the 'path,' supernaturalism, psychological sphere, and consumerism, making Humanism more acceptable for its practical significance and less dogmatism.
Buddhism and Humanism reject the existence of an omnipotent God or creator at the core, creating a similar rational approach to faith. The different versions of Buddhism have invented many ways of worshipping, which increase its impracticality. However, the origin of this religion has no evidence of believing in any God. Buddhism is a tradition rather than a religion because it emphasizes self-discipline and harmony with the inner self (Harvey, 2013). Humanism is considered as opposed to religion because it denies the existence of any divine power and focuses on man's self-control (Herrick, 2005). Although Buddhism is commonly considered a religion, it does not meet the standardized demands of other Asian religions like Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. The historical origin of the religion, Siddhartha, did not claim to be a messenger of any almighty power beyond approach. Also, he did not spread the belief in one God; instead, he accentuated the oneness of oneself with their inner self (Harvey, 2013). He is the most distinguished torchbearer of an ideology not religious in its true meaning and close to Humanism with its newly launched principles. With this similar quality of belief, both approaches resonant in the current world, ringing with scientific knowledge, technology, and social advancements. Nevertheless, Buddhists give Siddhartha's teachings a status and respect close to other divine teachings, which attach dogmatic labels to them.
Buddhism underscores human reason and experience as the foundation of all beliefs, which is also one of the basic principles of Humanism, stressing the practicality of both ideologies. Siddhartha introduced the 'path' through reasoning and understanding human suffering, drawing upon his expedition experience. While traveling, he saw people suffering and tried a psychological practice to achieve a state of "nirvana," which means free of suffering. He did not claim to have a revelation of God or a manuscript with God's direction to follow blindly. Instead, he insisted on rationalizing the truth of life and death to achieve peace from suffering through his experience (Harvey, 2013). Siddhartha's reliance on a human intellect to follow a path is a unique philosophy within religious domains that fail human reasoning compared to divinely written documents. However, one of the most significant reasons for accepting Humanism in the west is its principle of judging social, moral, political, and traditional phenomena through rational thinking (Herrick, 2005). The importance of human reasoning in both systems makes them similar and adequate in a technology-oriented generation.
Another similarity between the beliefs of Buddhism and the Principles of Humanism is equal human rights – a practical social concern. Humanism accepts no codification of human rights and considers equality and bias-free collaboration in every field of life a vital principle of the ideology (Harvey, 2013). Western society is looking forward to eliminating bias and social injustice and establishing equality; Humanism is spreading as the best social and ideological attitude toward human rights. Buddhism shows the same attitude toward human rights and discards all racial, social, theological, and gender biases, stressing the equality of all human beings on the earth. This is the primary cause that this dogma nullified slavery, a religiously accepted system in all major religions (King, 2000). Buddhists considered slavery inhuman, an antithesis of equal human rights. Including Islam and Christianity, all eastern religions validated and promoted slavery as an appropriate way of earning a livelihood. However, Buddhists discourage the system because it is the antithesis of equality. Hence, Buddhism and Humanism approach human rights similarly, underlining equality without racial, gender, or religious discrimination. Thus, both ideological approaches are compatible with today's socially more alive generation.
Buddhism and Humanism attempt to build an ethical society through compassion and empathy, the social concerns held by the current technological culture. The humanist approach provides a pattern or lifestyle that covers the value of compassion and kindness to live an ethical life (Harvey, 2013). The major ethical concerns of Humanism purify the human soul and contribute to making a peaceful and independent society relying upon the knowledge of science and logic and building the finest social relationships. Buddhism considers compassion and kindness the ways of liberation from suffering, which was the fundamental purpose of Siddhartha (Irwin, 2013). He thought of sympathy as an element of psychological peace. ...
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