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Religion & Theology
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Religion and Global Ethics

Essay Instructions:

All papers are to be typed, double-spaced and 8.5x11 inch. Use a 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman) and 1-inch margins.There should be an Introduction, Body of the Work, Conclusion and an Application Sections.

The Application Section should focus on your major or future career/job.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Religion and Global Ethics
Religion and Global Ethics
The world today is integrated as people can relate and interact in real-time across cultures and religions. The current global dynamics and differences make it attractive how they can instantly interact and associate. Humans have developed incredible ways to get along despite the different values from cultures and religions. Typically, there are cultures with differing views from religion. However, most people have come to appreciate and understand each other and respect their cultural and religious values. People today live in a world where ethics tend to impact the relationship between people than their cultures or religion.
Religion and Global Ethics
Religion covers different beliefs and faiths that people hold across the world. There are Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists, among others. While some religions share different beliefs and approaches to the scripture, the believers can easily relate with each other without having any mixed reactions or conflicts. The world has ethics that tend to dominate the human surrounding and have people employ ethical and logical thinking before engaging in any confrontations. Individuals are also free to freely express their religious views and beliefs, as provided by freedom of expression. After the second world war, different entities, international organizations, and state agencies have been dedicated to maintaining peace. The United Nations, European Union, and other establishments focus on making the world habitable for every individual. These agencies promote the concepts of freedom of expression and provide people with ethical and moral values that need to be considered to make the world accommodate people with their different backgrounds, cultures, and religion. 
The concepts of freedom, cosmopolitanism and the European enlightenment can explore the relationship between religion and global ethics. The narratives of Socrates are used to show the controversial nature of philosophical contexts and religion. The conviction of Socrates when he questioned Athenian morality and religion shows how people are fond of hiding behind the contexts of freedom of expression when religion and morality are discussed. The philosophers' issues in the enlightenment era tried to make sense of various aspects across the world and have people understand each other from different perspectives (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2016). They initiated reforms on the public arguments about morality, politics, and religion. When people think, and reason using religious values and bases, the degree of conflict due to the difference in values and faiths can be due to enormous chaos. Philosophers in the enlightenment era tried to make people view things from different perspectives and understand that while one perspective might be wrong, it is true and accurate to other people.
The arguments based on philosophical thinking advances global ethics. People try and understand each other from their perspectives, respect their reasoning and allow others to exercise what they believe. Ethics runs the current world as people strive to facilitate a world of understanding and full of harmony. The diversity that is influenced by the contemporary globalized...
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