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Myth for Jung

Essay Instructions:

205 mythology class- to access textbook, please use link below.


Please choose 1 option for each of the 3 chapters. Try to create thoughtful and substantive responses. Develop them effectively to explain their significance to our evolving understanding of myth with specific examples for illustration, including paraphrases and quotes from the chapters as appropriate.

Chapter 34- Please choose 1 option

1. What is the primary connection between the collective unconscious and myth for Jung? Be sure to consider his definition of myth.

2. Discuss the role of ritual and dogma for Jung. Are they positive or negative influences? Why?

3. According to Jung, myth is the dramatic description in personified language of psychic processes. Do you agree or disagree? Be sure to support your argument with specific examples from works we’ve studied.

4. Compare the four steps of the development of the animus and the anima. Can you provide more examples of each stage? Also, explain how these stages are progressively more desirable—or are they?

Chapter 35- Please choose 1 option

1. Choose one of Jung’s archetypes. Describe the role of this archetype in at least two myths or tales from different traditions.

2. Use the Internet (for example, at: http://www(dot)cs(dot)cmu(dot)edu/~spok/grimmtmp/ ) or the library to locate a collection of Grimms’ fairytales. Select a tale that is not described in this book and subject it to Jungian analysis using the techniques described in this chapter.

3. Analyze a recently viewed movie using Jungian analysis. Discuss why some kinds of movies readily lend themselves to such an analysis, while others are more problematic.

4. Select a traditional folk or fairy tale and give it a modern treatment by building modern personalities for the characters in the way that Donald Barthelme did for Snow White (p. xxx). Alternatively, give the story a “complicated” or ironic modern attitude, like that found in There’s Something About Mary, Mighty Aphrodite, or another story you’ve read. See the Film Supplement for more details on Mighty Aphrodite.

Chapter 40- Please choose 1 option

1. Make a collage with brief commentary. Scan current magazines or newspapers for illustrations of any themes and images you can call mythic. Usually (but not always), this means applying one of the systems of analysis we learned in class. These include: the various insights produced by analyses of myth; Jung; Levi-Strauss; Campbell (the hero on a quest); Propp. Your commentary should be about 1-2 pages long and should explain the point of each image in the collage.

2. Choose a film that you judge to be heavily loaded with mythic content. Trace the themes and images that justify this judgment. Alternative task: perform the above analysis on a suitable TV show, like the series Star Trek, using a small number of selected episodes. Or compare the movie(s) to the TV series. Analyze the film or TV series according to at least two or more of the interpretive systems found in the course readings. These include: the various insights produced by analyses of myth; Jung; Levi-Strauss; Campbell (the hero on a quest); Propp.

3. Find one or more examples of myth embedded in song, either in popular music or traditional music. Analyze the song or songs according to two or more of the interpretive systems found in the course readings. Please submit a copy of the lyrics of the songs you discuss with your assignment. Be sure you include in your paper analyses based on at least two of the methodologies we studied in class. These include: the various insights produced by analyses of myth; Jung; Levi-Strauss; Campbell (the hero on a quest); Propp.

4. Examine a children’s story or a related cycle of children’s stories for mythic themes and images. Analyze the story or stories according to at least two or more of the interpretive systems found in the course readings. These include: the various insights produced by analyses of myth; Jung; Levi-Strauss; Campbell (the hero on a quest); Propp.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mythology Class
Course Number and Name
Tutor’s Name
Chapter 34
* What is the primary connection between the collective unconscious and myth for Jung? Be sure to consider his definition of myth.
According to Carl Jung, the connection between myth and collective unconscious is that myths and dreams are the expressions of the collective unconscious, simply because they express the core ideas that are part and parcel of all human species (Thury, Devinney, & Devinney, 2005). In simple terms, myths, according to Jung, are an expression of wisdom encoded in a human, probably through the process of evolution or some spiritual processes. More so, dreams are born out of the collective unconsciousness, which means that they are made of archetypes. These myths are typically like expressions of one’s part of a psyche, a fundamental force, a container of truth, and a trustworthy guide towards self-actualization.
Chapter 35
* Choose one of Jung’s archetypes. Describe the role of this archetype in at least two myths or tales from different traditions.
Shadows are one of Jung’s archetype, which represents the instinctual part of the human psyche. Shadows are considered the most primal type of archetypes because they embody the personality traits leftover from primitive urges, such as violent outbursts, ideas, instincts, weaknesses, and shortcomi...
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