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The Quality Of Affordable Housing: Human Dignity

Essay Instructions:

Please be sure to answer these questions in three -four well written pages.

What have you learned theologically, spiritually, and experientially this year that has transformed you?

How has this project made you a Faithful Citizen?

What life lessons from this project will you take with you as you leave the school that you are attending?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Quality of Affordable Housing Name Institution Date Background Typically, cities have higher rents and real estate value, compared to small towns and people are more likely to face difficulties accessing ​​affordable housing in such areas. There have been proposals to improve housing affordability in China, but such dealings have not been as transparent as people hoped yet affordable housing would improve the quality of life among city residents. A mix of current buildings and affordable housing is one solution. Providing affordable housing is possible when there is adequate financing and public officials understand the importance of such initiatives, but sometimes the public may oppose such moves when the cost implication is high or when some believe that money should be other priorities. The project on access to affordable housing enhances human dignity and solidarity. Theological, spiritual and experiential learning I have learned the importance of engaging socially with the poor and how spirituality can improve lives. Even the poor are willing to listen to religious teaching when there is mutual respect, and much time when the homeless face difficulties connecting with religion and religious people when they believe they are looked down upon. Nonetheless, showing companionate care and interacting is necessary to understand their beliefs and attitudes, which influence their behavior. When there is response to address the problem of affordable housing, it is more likely that they will be open to interacting with religious people who reach out to them. Nonetheless, one of the challenges to foster mutual trust and respect is that affordable housing projects are publicly funded and even when there is input of religious institutions it may not be apparent to the beneficiaries. When there is a sense of hope and stability, the recipients of affordable housing are likely to have positive outlook in life. Even though Christians are urged to have hope and faith, it is difficult for the poor to feel a sense of belonging, yet they experience a higher purpose in life when they are part of a religious community. Supporting achievable housing is one way for the religious authorities and people to show that they care, but in a capitalism system where there is more scrutiny on how public funds are used, public private partnerships can support affordable housing where various stakeholders are involved including the religious authorities. Serving the needs of the people is a potentially effective way of bringing them closer to God, than simply focusing on increasing the number of religious adherents. When the churches make a presence in the local communities, their influence grows, but the residents also grow spiritually when there is a strong community of fellow worshipers who can offer strength advice and guidance. I appreciate the importance of considering the population needs and involving them in a way that enhances the general well-being of the community members. There have been instances of corruption in Chinese affordable housing programs, highlighting that even when there are good intentions, there are those who seeks illegal benefits regardless of how this affect the community well-being The project and faithful Citizen The project of providing quality affordable housing emphasize...
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