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Theology: Consequences Of Abortion For Women

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Theology Final Essay Student Name Institution Affiliation Date Theology Final Essay QUESTION 6: Abortion refers to the premature termination of a pregnancy. While a miscarriage occurs spontaneously and mostly from natural causes, induced abortions are done purposely for varied reasons including unwanted pregnancies and for the safety of the mother among others. The society and most religions prohibit abortion and term it immoral because it involves the ending of life and is closely related to murder. One of the Christian commandments categorically prohibit killing and Christians worldwide have taken a stern stand against the vice regardless of the reason necessitating the procedure. Boyle notes “Those who oppose abortion often maintain that an embryo or fetus is a human with a right to life and so they may compare abortion to murder” (Boyle, 2014). Consequences of abortion for women In addition to being shunned by the society, the women who engage in abortion suffer immediate physical complications. Boyle states “The nine most common major complications are infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury and endotoxic shock” (Boyle, 2014). Consequences of abortion to the society Abortion is illegal in most parts of the world because of its association with killing a human life form regardless of how minute it is. Despite efforts to campaign for its adoption especially in the cases that would ideally determine the safety of the mother, many are still skeptical and consider it immoral. However, if done for the right reasons which is mostly to safeguard the mothers who are undergoing difficult pregnancies, abortion will greatly help reduce the mortality rates during child birth. QUESTION 7: Parker defines euthanasia in his article as “deliberate action taken with the intention of ending a life in order to relieve persistent suffering” (Parker, 2016). The act despite being helpful is illegal in many countries and is still a controversial topic in most of the states in the United States. The patient or family members to the patient who has been suffering for quite some time from a terminal illness will request the doctor to end the patients suffering through painless means. However, because the act involves killing, it is considered immoral and prohibited by the law and the society in general. Pope John Paul II condemned what he termed as “the culture of death” that was spreading in the society through perceived individual rights such as euthanasia. He shared “Choices once unanimously considered criminal and rejected by the common moral sense are gradually becoming socially acceptable” (Parker, 2016). Ordinary Care and Extraordinary Care These two forms of treatment are distinguished using bioethical theories. Parker mentions “Ordinary care is obligatory, but can become extraordinary care under certain situations. Extraordinary care is care whose provision involves a disproportionately great burden on the patient or community and hence is not morally obligatory” (Parker, 2016). QUESTION 9: The death penalty is a contentious issue with some terming it as a failed government program. There have been many advocacy attempts around the US to replace the death penalty with life sentences without the option of parole. Governments have for the longest time sen...
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