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My Last Day Report Assignment, Taking A Review Of My Life

Essay Instructions:

My Last Day Report

Specifics: Value 50 points

Date Due: Sunday, October 22, 2017 through TURNITIN by 11:59pm.

Format: Typed, double spaced, 12-point size font Times New Roman.

MUST be submitted through TURNITIN.

The report may not exceed four pages.


We often take our lives for granted. We do not realize how precious our lives are. The purpose of this assignment is to make us stop and think about why we are here and how we can make our lives here more meaningful. Remember: Every second counts!!!

Describe the way you would spend your last day here on earth using Iona's letter period schedule as an outline. Each letter period will account for 3 hours of life. A=3, B=3, C=3, D=3, E=3, F=3, G=3, and H=3 for a total of 24 hours. You may NOT tell anyone that it is your last day on earth. It must take place in the present and all activities must be legal. You may not commit any acts of violence. You may not die in an accident. You may NOT take your own life. All letter blocks of time must add up to 24 hours. For example : If you choose to fly to Florida that would be equivalent to about 3.5 hours or block letter A and some of B.

Please try to be as descriptive as possible. The reader should feel as if they are living the day out with you. The reader should also feel saddened by your death at the conclusion of the paper.

Give your paper a title.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My Last Day Report
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My Last Day Report
Every day new people are being brought to this world while some are leaving. This entry and removal of people in this world make me question the purpose of life, especially what a meaningful life is. We all desire to live a meaningful life, but the definition of this meaningful life we all dream about differs amongst ourselves. Most people are working hard in search of a fortune, which they eventually achieve calling it enough for their life. They never take a moment to question what if they had only one day to live because they do not want to think of losing their fortunes. That is not the type of life I want. I don't want to pursue fame and fortunes so that when my last day comes, I will have nothing to worry about. Let us say that day is tomorrow, if I have a choice and let us say I have it, I will spend it with my loved ones, cleaning up my room and re-living some of the old memories.
Some may ask what good will it do to me trying to clean up my life since am going to die anyway; it will mean a lot to me. After taking a review of my life, it has been chaos, and I will not like leaving it in this world. That is why I will try to clean it up as if to make it neat and tidy. I would like my life to look perfect. First, I will spend some time with my family members to let them know that I appreciated everything and support they gave me. Then I will apologize to my mother and big brother for not being the best son and brother they expected me to be and despite the fact that we had our problems, I still loved them. After having that family moment, I will then go with my dad to the cinema ...
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