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Biblical Theology, Faith Once and For All, Today Doctrines

Essay Instructions:

Please use: The Faith Once and For All: Bible Doctrines for Today 
written by Jack Cottrell
Define the assigned terms. Each definition should be one short paragraph long giving a basic definition and short explanation. ( one Page)
1. Define propitiation.
2. Define expiation.
3. Define atonement.
4. Define justification.
5. Define imputation of righteousness.
6. Define grace.
Essay Questions: one page per question ( Three pages)
1. Compare the doctrines of Calvin and non-Calvinists as they relate to election, regeneration, and the perseverance of the saints.
2. The church is a community created by the Holy Spirit. Show the various ways that the Spirit of God is active within the life and ministry of the church.
3. How does a man come to faith and grow in its two aspects as he becomes a mature Christian?

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Biblical Theology
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Biblical Theology
Question one
* Propitiation is the action of appeasing a God or spirit to attain divine favor or avoid divine retribution. This action enables God to consistently show love to sinners. Christ is seen as a proportion since he was taken as a substitute and assumed the guilt of sinners.
* Expiation is the action of seeking to amend for a wrong done or guilt to renew a covenant. It is the blotting out of sin so that an individual's communion with God is renewed. Since sin separates individuals from God, expiation is required to restore their covenant.
* Atonement is the reconciliation of God and human beings through Christ Jesus. It is reparation for an offense committed by a Christian to allow him or her to reconcile and be united with God. In turn, this restores the favor of God upon the individual.
* Justification is the act of declaring something or someone as righteous in the sight of God. It signifies acquittal and is of importance to Christians since God is portrayed as a just God. It is through salvation that a person is justified and made righteous before God.
* Imputation of righteousness is a concept which means that the righteousness of Christ is given to Christians through Jesus Christ. It is through this concept that Christians are treated as though the righteousness is actually their through faith. As such, it provides the basis for believing in God.
* Grace refers to the free and unmerited favor of God upon sinners such that they become saved and blessed. It is the love and mercy that God gives to Christians to sanctify them and make them worthy of him.
Question Two
Both doctrines of Calvin and non-Calvinists deal with the salvation of an individual. Despite this, the two doctrines relate differently to matters of election, regeneration, and perseverance of saints. The doctrine of Calvin is based on the unconditional election. This implies that it affirms that God elects individuals based on nothing in the individual. Accordingly, the individual chosen is worthless before God and does not deserve to be elected. However, God has his reasons that enable him to elect that specific person and grant them grace and salvation. However, non-Calvinist doctrines affirm conditional election. This means that elections are based on the faith that God sees in an individual. Accordingly, the faith of the individual is the one that gives them the grace to be elected.
Regarding regeneration, Calvinism affirms irresistible grace. This means that once God is willing to save an individual, the individual cannot successfully resist it. Although the individual may try to resist the act of God, he or she will end up regenerated by God's will. Conversely, non-Calvinism affirms resistible grace. This is attributed to the fact that a sinner can manage to successfully resist God's grace. In this manner, such a person cannot be regenerated even when God convicts them. Additionally, the doctrine of Calvin believes in the perseverance of saints. It ...
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