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Justice and Change in a Global World

Essay Instructions:
Write the script of a graduation speech, Bachelor of Education Primary, to explain how Pope Francis' understanding of the common good in Laudato Si' impacts your professional responsibilities. Requirements (the bare minimum illustrated in the template) Cite (at least) each of the following in the reference list/bibliography and throughout the text, providing key, effective quotations from these sources in the process of demonstrating the ways in which they support your central points: Francis. (2015). Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home. Vogt, C. P. (2020). Laudato Si’: Social Analysis and Political Engagement in the Tradition of Catholic Social Thought. In D. O’Hara, M., Eaton, & M. E. Ross (Eds.), Integral Ecology for a More Sustainable World: Dialogues with Laudato Si’ (pp. 13-27). Lexington Kevin Bales, Blood and earth: Modern slavery, ecocide, and the secret to saving the worldLinks to an external site. (New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2016) Recommendations 1. For Criterion 1 (see also LO1), demonstrate grounded understanding of the common good, communities, and course-specific issues, through interaction with para. 137-162 ("Integral ecology") from Laudato Si' pp. 16-18 ("The common good") from Vogt 2. For Criterion 2, imitate the stylistic features and generic conventions of votes of thanks and graduation addresses (compare ACU | 2023 Semester 1 Graduation CeremonyLinks to an external site. -- from 51:50 to 55:30 -- and 9 Life Lessons - Tim Minchin UWA AddressLinks to an external site. -- from 0:15 to 11:55, with some potentially offensive language and themes), using a balance between past and future orientation linking your course with future profession a range of nuanced questions and claims along with big picture messages
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Laudato Si’ on the Common Good and My Professional Future after ACU Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date Laudato Si’ on the Common Good and My Professional Future after ACU Praise be to the Lord (Laudato Si’, mi’ Signore). Today is a beautiful day, and I am happy to be amongst the Bachelor of Education Primary (BEP) graduates. I understand that it has taken time, effort, hard work, patience, and support from our families to reach where we are now. That is why I would like to thank everyone who has made today possible. We cannot forget to recognize, appreciate, and thank our parents, guardians, and educators for ensuring that the learners who are graduating today were provided with everything they needed to achieve their academic goals. Most importantly, from the beginning of this journey to the end, God has been there watching over us and eliminating obstacles from our path to academic and professional success. However, as we celebrate our academic achievements, we should not forget about our common home and the things we should do to save it from pollution. I would like us to take a few seconds and reflect on these words from Pope Francis: “The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all” (Francis, 2015, p.18). For many years, humans have been abusing planet Earth intentionally and unintentionally. We sometimes forget that it is our only home, which we should protect and preserve since it supports all forms of life. If I ask my fellow BEP graduates here what causes global warming, the majority of them will concur with me that the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide, is responsible. But then, the most significant question would be, whose activities lead to the release of these gases in the atmosphere? As such, humans are the number one agents of pollution on our planet and we do nothing to counter this adverse effects. Notably, global warming has adverse impacts on the carbon cycle since it causes a vicious cycle that aggravates natural resources, including energy, clean water, and agricultural production (Francis,...
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