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If ISIS Islamic or Not? Why Does or Doesn't It Matter?

Essay Instructions:

You are going to writ about 1000 word about ISIS if its Islamic or not and what is at stake in the “Is ISIS Islamic?” debate and why does or doesn’t it matter? And take stand is it Islamic or not? Will I want you to utilizes the information provided only / no other out sources and write it’s not Islamic and dos not rep- resent Islam- some of your answers should include these links below
Saudi security of the state in response to if ISIS, is Islamic or not? Please use this response.
This video talks about ISIS please use this as well its very important. 
please make sure you stay with the sources please. 
please make sure refer to Robert .F facebook link and 24 reason ISIS reading to counter the critics who say ISIS is Islamic.
PS: I will NOT have time for any revisions - make it perfect the first time! 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

ISIS and Islam
For more than two years now, the ISIS group has continued grabbing global headlines as a result of its numerous atrocities. Fueled by religious teachings, the group has continued waging a bloody war throughout the region between Syria and Iraq. Debate has continued raging over whether ISIS is Islamic or not. The most important part of all this debate is how to stop its spread or reverse its progress. This is because there are lots of things at stake. First, the group, based on its understanding of how people are supposed to live like in the medieval times, is on a destruction spree across the Middle East. The arguments are based on the legitimacy of their acts and the teachings that they follow in their operations.
The Islamic state of Iraq and Syria, or also the Islamic state of Iraq and al-Isham (ISIS), is a fundamentalist group that occupies the region straddling Iraq and Syria. Its current leader is believed to be Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. The group has continued waging war under fundamentalist Islamic teachings that fall under the Sunni Islam, called Salafism. These teachings follow a very strict code of Islamic teachings (Jenkins, 2015). The group has continued destroying ancient historical sites that were considered World Heritage sites by UNESCO, including the Temple of Baalshamin.
The Islamic state is Islamic as a result of the forms of religious teachings it follows. The group follows very true, strict teachings of the Quran. Much of these involve abstract demonstration of what Islam is all about or what they believe to be Islamic, such as crusading against the ‘nonbelievers.’ This notwithstanding, it can be said that ISIS is Islam since much of what it does is hinged upon the teachings of Islam (Jenkins, 2015).
However, ISIS can be considered non-Islamic from the manner in which it is taken to interpret the readings and teachings of the Holy Quran. Much of the argument has been of the fact that the group and its leadership have just taken out some parts of the script and tailored them to suit their interests (March & McCants, 2015). A group of Muslim scholars aired similar sentiments, citing that Mr. Baghdadi had misinterpreted the Quran and brought about massive damage through the heinous acts of his followers. They also claim that there is no one who had given him the authority to be the supreme ruler over all the Muslims (Markoe, 2014). According to Islam, the Caliph is supposed to be chosen by negotiations and agreement by Muslim leaders from Mecca to Medina(Wood,2015).The fact that Baghdadi appointed himself is testament enough that he wasn't chosen, and, therefore, the entire group isn't built on Islamic beliefs and understanding. While at it, the group has also continued destroying the present infrastructure and displacing millions of people...
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