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History of Religion: Impassibility of Religious Freedom

Essay Instructions:

ok this is going to be a continuation of an essay that i have been working on, its about the Impassibility of religious freedom. its only one source and if you can 
Discuss the ways in which religious freedom (as freedom of conscience and worship)
can be understood as “impossible” and “oxymoronic” both from the standpoint of law
and the state as well as with regard to concepts of freedom, toleration, and rule of law. How do concepts of law and modern legal reform blur rather that separate a supposed division between religion and politics e in 275 to 300 words will be great.
i just did attach my essay as you requested....... the 375 or 300 words are going to be added on after the last after the last question mark, or you can added to after what Wendy Brwon section all together. make sure if you please that is all within the same line.


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Impassibility of Religious Freedom
The history of religion up until few centuries ago showed that religion had been dominating both privet and public sphere up until the process of secularization began, the new process was able to end the long religious domination in the public while calming to preserve the other as a part of its core secular ethics. The ideology has developed and became the most favored form of government in western societies for its distinctive liberal principles. However while claiming to defend civil liberties against the encroachment, recent development showed that the ideology is depriving citizens their basic ethics of the ideology and deny them their very basic constitutional secular rights.
Modern countries like United States have always celebrated the rationality of the individual freedom; the entrenched constitutional laws ensured that this freedom is protected along with its all elements religion included as a part of its liberal and secular identity. Yet, these rights are now being overlooked by proponent of the same ideology; pushing people to settle for a new reality of impossibility of religious freedom were granted constitutional rights is no longer respected.
In recent year’s religion have been facing a tremendous challenges from civil and political organizations. Pressured by such challenges members of religious groups and religious minorities found themselves changing their religious practice just to satisfy the secular society, for example; Christians worshipers began to adopt a new set of religious practices away from the one defined by bishops, and some have abandoned the traditional way of worshiping God also defined by church councils fearing the fears’ reaction of the society. These changes defiantly would not happen if there was no real sings of anti-religious movements, these movements in recent years added to this social struggle by protesting against any religious achievements or progress. For example in 2014, a groundbreaking decision by the United States Supreme Court, allowed closely held for-profit corporations to be exempt from a law its owners religiously object to. Liberal madness over the court decision was unheard of, it was felt by religious groups and minorities when the y took to the street protesting and describing the decision as "the end of the world as we know it" liberals also said that they have been offended by the decision according to Winnifred Fallers Sullivan fueled. (Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, The impossibility of religious freedom, 2014), The liberal action was regarded as anti-religious freedom, and undermining of state laws, the same laws that protect and allow them to voice their opinions over constitutional matters. In secular society’s and according to Charles Tylor its known that church and the state are separate, but then again the function of the state is governed by constitutional laws these laws needs to be upheld otherwise the society will be living in chaos. This is a simple example of what religion have been experiencing in recent years in the American society according to Sullivan, denounce the rhetoric that separate the union of the state, it’s not a matter of rivalry or who is the victor in the society it’s more of living in pluralistic society where tolerance is the unifying factor, this is the stated laws and this is what segments of the American society should acknowledge. "Religious fictions of religious freedom have become lies designed to extend the life of the impossible idea that church and state can still work together after disestablishment". (Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, The impossibility of religious freedom, 2014). Hobbs, and Rousseau regard this liberal behavior as authoritarian behavior, they note that liberals in love to rule and since they have the power they want to define define what is free and what is given to religion in the public domain where conformity is counted. (Wendy Brown, 2015).
Furthermore, this new liberal stress over religious rights and freedom began to take a new global chap forcing other civil structures to conform to its own view. The process of secularizing west...
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