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Investigating Islam: Five Pillars

Essay Instructions:

Describe each of the five pillars and reflect on why they are referred to as Pillars of Islam. What is the importance of each pillar?

Make a detailed analysis of how one of the pillars would function in the daily life of a particular Muslim individual.

Identify one Christian organization living or serving in an Islamic context. See the list of suggested denominations and organizations below for options. Analyze the principles and practices of this group in light of the Five Pillars of Islam. Describe the ministry of the Christian organization.

How does/could this organization use at least one of the Islamic Pillars as a bridge to develop relationships with Muslims?

Suggested denominations and organizations for prompts 3 and 4:
Chaldean Catholics of Iraq
Armenian Orthodox church in Iran
Maronite Catholic in Lebanon
Coptic Church in Egypt

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Investigating Islam
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Investigating Islam
The five pillars of the Islamic faith are the central beliefs and behaviors that are considered mandatory for all observant Muslims. Declarations of faith, prayer, alms, fasting, and pilgrimage are examples of these behaviors. In Arabic, the five rituals are Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj. These pillars are the most fundamental standards of Islamic religious practice. As a result, all Muslims across the globe embrace and observe them, regardless of their regional, ethnic, or sectarian distinctions. Understanding these pillars and their significance in Islam, which is the goal of this study, can aid individuals of other faiths to develop more robust, more respectful relationships with Muslims.
Description of the Five Pillars
The Shahada
The most basic Islamic religious declaration of religion is the proclamation of faith, also known as the shahada. "There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his massager," the shahada asserts (Humaira, 2020). Fundamentally, the shahada highlights Islam's monotheistic identity as a religion, which recognizes just one God. This is in contrast to Christianity, whose followers believe in the existence of God as the Father, Jesus as the Son, and the Holy Spirit as the Helper. The Islamic concept that God (Allah) was not born and did not have a child underpins this ideology.
The Salat
Salah is an Arabic word that means "prayer." Every pious Muslim's life is incomplete without prayers. According to Islamic religious regulations, every Muslim must pray at least five times daily (Teule, 2018). The recital of the Salat demonstrates a person's devotion to following God's will. During each of these five prayers, the Salat should be recited facing Mecca, regarded as the holiest city in Islam. It is important to note that, while it is highly recommended, going to the mosque for these prayers every day is not required (Teule, 2018). The formal day set out for congregational prayers is Friday.
The Zakat
Zakat is the third pillar, and it relates to the act of paying for charity. Each Muslim member is required by law to donate a portion of their wealth or income to those in need (Teule, 2018). A person's contribution is generally based on their abilities. For example, some of the wealthiest Muslims frequently donate a portion of their fortune to constructing mosques, hospitals, schools, and other initiatives that benefit their communities. Muslims believe that by paying Zakat, they are attracting God's blessings.
Sawm is the Arabic word for a period of fasting and prayer. The period of fasting and prayer known as the Sawm occurs during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims refrain from eating and drinking and other requirements like sexual contact during this time (Teule, 2018). Fasting is observed from sunrise until sunset. However, some members may be excluded from Sawm, such as pregnant moms, the sick, and the elderly.
The Hajj is the Islamic faith's fifth pillar (Della, 2020). Every Muslim who is in good health and has the financial means should make this journey at least once in their lives. Muslims do a range of spiritual rituals both individually and collectively when they arrive in Mecca. The stroll around the Ka'ba is one of these chores.
They are referred to as the pillars of Islam because they give a framework for Muslims' daily actions and beliefs, strengthening their faith in the religion. They believe that living life without putting what you believe in into action and practice is worthless. As a result, Muslims who follow these pillars religiously demonstrate that they prioritize their faith above all else.
Analysis of Hajj
Hajj is traditionally performed on the 12th month of the Islamic calendar. This ga...
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