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The Origins of Religious Groups: Hinduism and Buddhism

Essay Instructions:

Describe, Hinduism and Buddhism compare and contrast the ethical systems associated with them. How are the ethical codes related to the religious beliefs?

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Hinduism and Buddhism
Religious groups exist all over the world. Most of these are defined in a particular formation and ways of life together with some beliefs in supernatural powers. The groups are also dominant in specific parts of the world and affiliated to a certain group of people who might have been fundamental in their formation. This article handles two religious groups; Hinduism and Buddhism, their beliefs and their ethical values. At last one can be able to point out the similarities and differences that exist amongst them under these parameters.
Before delving into the finer details, there are parameters that are to be made clear. First what the world believe about religion; how the religious group carries itself; what a group teaches; how they teach; how they focus on changing the spiritual lives of the faithful and how they move forward from one stage in life to the other. These and many more are the detailed discussions brought forth by this article. It will draw border lines between the two groups.
Hinduism is a religious group that exists majorly in India and the country of Nepal (BBC, 2009). There are a few other areas around the world in which the Indian population has increased significantly, and the people had started borrowing a few of the culture which is slowly becoming a practice. The people under the umbrella of this religion are around one billion worldwide (BBC, 2009). On the other hand, Buddhism is composed of individuals who do not believe in worshipping gods or supernatural beings. They are a group which is convinced that their spirituality is as a result of one’s desires and own working (BBC). Though it started in India, it is not attached to a sole founder.
By origin, the Hindu communities have several people who were pillars in the religious development. An example is Mahatma Gandhi. He was a real champion of India who fought with much vigor and determination the justice to everybody in the world. He was crucial in ensuring that religious rights are obeyed. Up to date, he is still remembered, and his generous heart to the desires of faith can never be forgotten. This was coupled with his contemporary philosophies that left humanity wondering their genius doings. Unlike Hinduism, the Buddhists cannot identify with even one legend of their religion. This is not a failure though but an indication of how they ought to have improved and anchored beacons of worship and nurture them for the very better future of their religion.
The ethical codes that are associated with each group are so distinct and can show their differences in beliefs. The Hindus have a documented system and procedure for which they teach and attain the values. It starts with reading and obtaining guidance from the intelligent. When one falters, they can be taught again to restore the original sanctity. The Buddhists had beliefs in meditation and some good results that came with it. Meditation was a believed to bring in awareness and some other concepts of kindness. One was required to meditate by themselves, and they would reap the benefits. The benefits at this moment were believed to help the community in moving forward.
When the Buddhists saw the results of kindness and other proper forms in social spheres they thought that they had to meditate enough and that nature and life had rewarded them In an otherwise case they did not see it reasonable for one to be in a miserable situation if they could be helped. People who passed through such situations were said to have missed the concept of meditation. Up to date, people, mainly Buddhists are being encouraged to meditate, as that will be the sole pillar of their faith.
The challenge that the Buddhists may have once they started reasoning is when they get exposed to other forms of religion. Other religious organizations have documented and very organized ways of worship and connections with the supernatural beings. The books they read like Bible for Christians and Quran for the Muslims are just too good. Somebody would want to compare the way other religious groups worship and then emulate or even join them. The Buddhists have the Hindus closer to them and can borrow from them. If this carries much weight, they are likely to reduce to a number and render the religion extinct. The best thing to do will make people move away from their faith. It is this reason which makes people not recognize it in the Western world as a small group but not a religion (The Buddhists Center, n. d). That means for them to be considered as a religion they will have to get quite organized and change how they observe some of their practices. Documentation of their beliefs will be an added advantage to them.
There are little similarities between the two religious groups in their code of ethics. The only one that can be noted is that both have obedience to some virtues and values that are necessary for the smooth living in the society. Being groups that originated from the same country they might find similarities if they shared their values across at individual or community levels. This is possible if the country had a constitution whose articles on ethics were adopted from these religious beliefs. The Hindus have Dharma as obedience to duty as the Buddhists see this as a practice of meditation and self-correction.
The other similarity is the maintenance of peace as a way of life. All know the outcomes of a peaceful society as enabling people to improve their places of life, unity with others, and the entire nat...
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