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The Assignment for Week 3: Hindu and Buddhist Topics

Essay Instructions:

The Essay Assignment for Week 3 includes both Hindu and Buddhist topics. Write a 5-6 page paper, not counting title page and reference page, on one of the following topics: A link for questions 1(Analects) and 2 (Analects on Superior Man) is : http://academics(dot)hamilton(dot)edu/asian_studies/home/CultTemp/sitePages/fiveclassics.html Relate the concept that all life is suffering directly to the Hindu and Buddhist teachings. You should also comment on the topic from your personal experience. Explain the logic behind the ideal of compassion in the Mahayana perspective The Vedic texts lay the ground for the Indian worldview, describe the focus of the Vedas. What is the Vedic version of ‘Ultimate Reality'? What changes in view came with the Upanishads?

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Hinduism, which is also known as Sanātana Dharma, by most Hindus, is a global religion that is rooted in the Indian culture and is based on Vedas teachings. It is the third largest religion with an approximate of one billion people worldwide integrating an enormous number of widespread beliefs and schools. Although the estimate of the Hindu religion is considerably long, provided that they see as an expression of timeless truth.99% Hindus are found in the Indian subcontinent and mainly in India.
Some Hindu practitioners do not like the name Hinduism although a vast number use the term. The term is in English which was first used in 1829 Oxford Dictionary and was derived from the Persian dialect from the people who lived along the Indus river. Some researchers have argued that Hinduism comes from the work of theosophist, Annie Besant, who made a syllabus teach Hinduism at her Hindu central college that was founded in 1898.She framed the class in four sessions, four stages of life, four adjectives and four ages (Parsons,2012).
Discussion and analysis
Hindu religion and Buddhism have a common origin which is the Ganges culture of northern India during the era of "second Urbanization" in the 500 Bethe two religions have shared parallel beliefs that have existed for a very long time but also have some pronounced differences.
Buddhism dominated in the Indian subcontinent since it was backed by royal courts but it started to decline during the Gupta era and almost disappeared in the eleventh century except in some parts of India. The religion has continued to exist in some regions outside India and is the dominant religion in some courtiers in Eastern Asia.
Buddhist practitioners do not deny the fact that Vedas is their origin but this fact has been amended severally by Brahmins in efforts to secure the place in the society. The practitioners declared that in its real form was maintained by Kashyapa to a type of rishis, who by extreme penance had acquired the power to observe things by divine eyes. The names of the Vedic were Ithaki, Yamataggi, Angiraso, and Bhagu among others. The section of the Viyana Pikata; panchaks Nipata indicates that it was during this time of altering the true Veda that the Buddha declined to respect the Vedas of his time.
In Hinduism, the philosophies are categorized as Astika or Nastika, which means theories that can either affirm or reject the jurisdictions of the Vedas. According to the Veda traditions, Buddhism is classified as Nastika because it denies the authority of the Vedas.
The Vedas are the Sanskrit texts of the India’s ancient concerning the spiritual culture. The texts comprise of knowledge from every angle of human endeavor and spirituality like an obscure reference manual to be used by the human race to achieve the ultimate success in this life and the future. The term Veda means knowledge and Vedic in it expounded meaning, refers to the works that follow the Vedas such as the Vedanta-Suntra and the Upanishad.
The Upanishad are referred to as Vedanta, which means the "the last chapter or the part of the Veda" The aspect of Brahman or the ultimate reality together with the Atman or the soul are the central concepts in all the Upanishad (Easwaran,2007). The Upanishads are the foundation of the Hinduism philosophical framework from the thoughts and diverse traditions of the Vedic corpus. Approximately 200 Upanishads are usually found in the concluding section of the Brahmans and were for many centuries memorized in each generation and orally passed down.
The Upanishad can be described as the collection of various texts that contain vital philosophical concepts of the Hindu religion, some of which are also shared by the Buddhism. T...
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