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Gender Students and Physical Appearances

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Gender Studies
1 Comments on fatness are gender-sensitive, as it appears as shameful to women than men. According to Herndon, culture plays a significant role in stigmatizing women of size. Moreover, fatness could be considered a disability in most American states due to the culture that demeans fat people. Most people have developed harsh perceptions around fatness, and hence it causes stigmatization. Although I agree with both Herndon and Mollow that feminist groups can easily address this issue, fat people might be more oppressed due to this issue's extremity. Herndon and Mollow share similar perspectives. However, Moron gives a more biological explanation of fatness as a disability. Herdon, on the other hand, gives the topic a more social approach. The author compares fat people's features and experiences to other forms of disabilities to justify his idea. Herndon notes, "the cultural script reads that once called out on being fat, a woman re-assumes her proper place and remains quiet" (Herndon,2002). I have observed that women are affected by comments about being fat, mostly when elites mention them. This observation is evidence of social marginalization among ladies accompanied by bias. Moreover, the bias is because of the feminine nature of women to be fat compared to men. Therefore, due to this bias, the issue is predominantly feministic. I do not share the idea that fatness is a disability since the condition is reversible. Fatness can be reversed through dietary rehabilitation, and it can also be controlled by incorporating physical exercises. Before reading the articles, my perception of "fatness" was that it is a choice, and unless one is obese, some individuals take pride in having huge bodies. However, from Herndon's and Mollow's readings, it appears that fat people could also be considered as part of the marginalized groups who face stigmatization (Mollow, 2015). Herndon argues that in addressing issues affecting fat women, body size matters (Herndon, 2002). I can't entirely agree with this idea since the fatness being referred to is social perception. There should be a more positive approach towards the subject matter that addresses fatness as a normal biological process. According to Mollow's idea of being fat, I would join the bandwagon and support the movement against fat people's stigmatization but not as a disability. I consider that referring to fat people as disabled is itself.
2 Colonial policies towards the indigenous people in Canada are becoming more genocidal. The number of missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada is rapid, which has led to a national inquiry. The Canadian genocide has been unnoticed for several years; this invisibility has further targeted the most vulnerable group, including indigenous women, transgender, gay, bisexual, and queer people. The term necropolitics offers us the sovereign state's idea of using its political power to dictate who lives or who dies. This idea of necropolitics on issues such as Coronavirus indicates that the virus does not affect everyone equally. The authorities in the hospital area and the government decide who will continue to breathe since the Coronavirus affects a person's capacity to breathe. The necro power dynamics are of slow violence that mostly affects migrants, aboriginal women, and girls. The migrants are people who can be easily eliminated and let to die by the government. The missing and murdered Aboriginal women are becoming increasingly vulnerable. The assigning of value to the Dead matters since the Vanderbilt group includes missing and murdered women whose deaths are being privatized by the government. Furthermore, the deaths of migrants are usually not considered by the state authorities and usually go unnoticed and completely disappear. Black lives in countries such as the United States are not considered important, and most deaths are usually ignored. The black lives matter protests aim at changing the norm of police brutality on black lives. The necropolitics dynamic in the United States considers the whites' lives as being more valuable, and the state places an inquiry on their deaths if it does not seem natural. Small business owners in various countries who can barely ...
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