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The Covenants in Joshua 5:1–12 and Joshua 24

Essay Instructions:

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

Review Chapter 5 in your textbook, God with Us: An Introduction to the Old Testament.

Review the following from a standard translation of the Bible as noted in the syllabus:


2 Samuel

Genesis 12

Proverbs 1–10

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper addressing the following:

Summarize the characteristics of the covenant that you see in Joshua 5:1–12 and Joshua 24, where the Hebrews said, “We will serve the Lord our God and obey Him.”

Discuss your thoughts as to why the book of Joshua begins and ends with these repetitions of the covenant.

Select one judge from the book of Judges.

Briefly describe the surrounding historical context of Israel’s sin, its oppressor, their cry to God in repentance or cry for mercy, and God’s deliverance through the judge.

Detail how the general behaviors of each party fit into covenant agreement or covenant violation (God, the judge, and Israel).

List and describe the major contributions of David’s monarchy to the establishment of the nation of Israel.

Discuss God’s promise to David in 2 Samuel 7.

Describe how these promises compare with God’s promises to Abraham in Genesis 12.

Describe how these two “covenants” are still meaningful in our time.

Billy Graham is said to have read through the book of Proverbs each month for many years of his life.

Discuss the value of this habit.

Describe the “Important Themes” in Proverbs as described in your textbook.

Discuss the basic “black and white” issues described in your textbook and the contrasting results of choosing wisdom and choosing folly.

Be sure to cite and reference your textbook where you quote or paraphrase the author’s thoughts. Cite scriptures you use in your paper. All citations should be formatted using correct APA format.

Copy the questions into the body of your paper and answer the questions in well-written paragraphs.

Your responses should demonstrate understanding (synthesis) of the material. Simple lists or sentence fragments are not acceptable.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Abraham and David
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Abraham and David
Summarize the characteristics of the covenant that you see in Joshua 5:1–12 and Joshua 24, where the Hebrews said, "We will serve the Lord our God and obey Him."
Several essential aspects characterize the covenants in Joshua 5:1–12 and Joshua 24. This covenant was followed by several aspects that were to be done by the Israelites as a sign of a covenant with God. One of them was that God instructed that Joshua was to circumcise all males who had spent the last 40 years in the wilderness. This is because all the circumcised men had already died within those 40 years. The circumcision of all males was a sign of the covenant between God and the Israelites. This was a symbolic meaning that the Israelites had cut off (abandoned) their old lives and adopted a new life based on following God's wishes. The book of Joshua chapter 24 focuses on the covenant between God and Israelites that they would not worship other gods except the true God. They declared that they would no longer worship foreign gods as they had done before.
One of the similarities between the two covenants was that they were done in a particular place that would forever remind the Israelites of the covenant. The first one (on circumcision) was done in a place known as Gilgal, while the second one was symbolized by Joshua placing a huge rock under a tree. In essence, both covenants had symbolic events to remind the Israelites of their agreement with God.
Discuss your thoughts as to why the book of Joshua begins and ends with these repetitions of the covenant
In my opinion, the decision to begin and end the book of Joshua with the covenant's repetitions is to illustrate how important they were before the eyes of God. Notably, the book seeks to illustrate that Israelites' relationship with God would be determined by how they followed the covenants.
Select one judge from the book of Judges.
The book of Judges has focused on several judges who were chosen by God to lead the Israelites. One of the judges who were chosen to lead the Israelites was Gideon.
Briefly describe the surrounding historical context of Israel's sin, its oppressor, their cry to God in repentance or cry for mercy, and God's deliverance through the judge.
God chose Gideon to lead the Israelites and free them from the oppression of the Midianites. He was the fifth judge of Israel and was called upon when Israelites called upon God for help after seven years of being oppressed by the Midianites. Although Gideon had doubts at first, God did give him signs that showed that he would be used to defeat Israel's enemies. Notably, Gideon was a significant figure in helping Israelites overcome the Midianites. In the Bible, the highlight of Gideon's life is his victories in battles against Israel's enemies. In essence, most of his actions were guided by his faith and obedience towards God.
Detail how the general behaviors of each party fit into covenant agreement or covenant violation (God, the judge, and Israel).
In this case, God promises Gideon to help him conquer the Midianites. Gideon is required to have faith and obey the will of God. On...
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