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Creation Care Project: Personal Practices and Water Use

Essay Instructions:

In the first weeks of class, we will focus on how God’s creation is good, and that our actions in it matter if we view the world the way that He does. In this Creation Care Project, students will act in a very practical way in and toward creation/nature that reflects this view of the goodness of creation.

This project is done in 3 parts – Parts 1-2 require active engagement, while Part 3 requires reflection on what you’ve experienced.


By September 11, 2022,

Please create the Creation Care Project Gameplan. Please identify the location of Watershed you intend to visit. As well as provide a date that you plan to visit the watershed.

The project must include all 3 components of the assignment: an audit of their water usage, research on their watershed, and theological reflections on what they've learned.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Creation Care Project
Your Name
Course and Block
Professor’s Name
August 24, 2022
Part 1: Personal Practices and Water Use
* Based on the activity that I usually do on a normal day, I think I only use 14 gallons of water, and on days that I wash clothes, I think I use more than 20 gallons.
* Table
Water usage Inventory


Number of Times


1. Flushing the Toilet



2. Taking a Bath



1 Brushing my Teeth



2 Washing my Hands



3 Washing the Dishes



4 Drinking Water





* I've calculated that I use a total of 22 gallons of water a day in the house after exploring the internet and estimating how much water I use in every activity, which is far higher than what I had anticipated. Having said that, I'm a little shocked by the fact that, when adequately predicted, I use considerably more water than I had anticipated.
* Their numbers differ from my results, maybe because they usually utilize water as they do their normal activity. It also differs from the number of times they do some water-related activities, like drinking and flushing the toilet. As for me, I only use as little water as possible because I feel bad if I use too much. 
Part 2: Understanding the Local Watershed
1 According to my online study, watersheds are the water bodies that have grown into the basin for waters that originated from the upper land before they return to the main water bodies like the river, sea, and ocean. The lakes that appear to be stagnant in this situation are actually very slowly moving into the underground rivers that will eventually lead to the sea and the ocean (What Is a Watershed? 2021).
2 My current residence is the (Insert location), and the nearest watershed to us is the (Name of a Lake). Our local government uses this watershed in various ways to help the residents living close to its edge. This watershed has long been beneficial to the locals and the people who first inhabited the region, making it a century-old gift from God.
3 It is crucial to consider whether the water we are draining is hazardous to the environment because all of the water from the nearby residences flows into the closest watershed. If I use too much water, the water supplier would have to employ more machinery to create the additional water I would require. Additionally, if I use too much water and chemicals, the watershed will become contaminated, endangering the lives of any organisms that may reside there. The usage of chemicals in our daily lives, such as the laundry detergent we use and the chemicals used to clean the toilets and the entire bathroom, cannot be avoided. We need to ensure that the chemicals we use are safe for the aquatic life that inhabits bodies of water to reduce the impact of such chemicals.
4 All of the living things around a watershed have a healthy habitat and way of life when the watershed is healthy. A healthy water supply will be advantageous to the entire watershed because all life forms on earth need water to survive. Given that they are receiving their water from a healthy watershed, all of the individuals whose lives depend on the water that the watershed delivers will likewise be healthy.
Although it may not be immediately apparent, people are the ones who stand to gain the most from the watershed since they utilize water that has already been filtered by nearby facilities CITATION Nap20 \l 1033 (Napper, et al., 2020). While it is clear that animals gain from the watershed because it provides them with the water they ...
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