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Servant Leadership Denotes a Leadership Style

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to examine servant leadership practices with regard to religions and cultures other than those associated with Christianity.

While servant leadership is often associated with Christianity and the Bible, one could argue that it is compatible with most religions and philosophies and that it transcends cultures.

This assignment presents you with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions and asks you to think critically about how servant leadership practices are apparent in other religions and cultures.

Begin by selecting and examining one cultural context and one religious viewpoint outside of mainstream Christianity. In a 1,250 -1,500 word essay, discuss the following:

1. Explain how the principles of servant leadership are evident in your chosen culture and religion.

2. Identify similarities and differences between servant leadership philosophies and the values from your selected cultural context and religious viewpoint.

3. Identify specific examples of servant leadership practices evident in your chosen culture and religion.

You are required to locate a total of four articles that address servant leadership in your chosen cultural context and religious viewpoint. Two of the articles should examine servant leadership from a different cultural perspective and two articles should examine servant leadership from a different religious perspective. The articles must be peer-reviewed and have been published within the last 5 years. You must use and cite the articles within each content area in your paper to strengthen your claims.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Servant Leadership Denotes a Leadership Style
Most importantly, servant leadership denotes a leadership style whereby a leader prioritizes the followers through demonstrating empathy, nurturing, and, most importantly, effectiveness. Various religious perspectives, such as Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc., demonstrate servant leadership. Similarly, different cultural contexts also exhibit this leadership form. The paper will examine the Indian culture and Islam religious viewpoint regarding servant leadership.
How the Principles of Servant Leadership are Evident
Diverse principles also guide servant leadership depending on the cultural or religious context involved. From the Indian servant leadership perspective, six main leadership behavior dimensions form the basis for guiding principles that Indian leaders must observe. These are authentic self, responsible morality, transcendental spirituality, covenantal relationship, acting as a servant, and voluntary subordination. Firstly, servant leaders should illustrate the capacity to lead authentically, as shown in their persistent humility, integrity, security, and accountability traits. Gandhi was among the leaders that depicted or whose leadership was guided by their authentic selves. Secondly, reasonable morality requires servant leaders to show advanced moral values that are ethically justified. They must lead Indians to nonviolent revolutions, including forgiveness. Additionally, implementing moral reasoning is also a desirable action. Thirdly, the leadership must also demonstrate transcendental spirituality, which comprises a leader’s behaviors that manifest the inner belief that something or a person beyond self exists and makes life comprehensive and meaningful (Mishra & Mahapatra, 2019). Fourthly, the servants must show the covenantal relationship in their leadership, whereby the leaders should create a profound connection with the followers through embracing equality, acceptance, and collaboration. Fifthly, servant leadership in the Indian culture expects leaders to act as true servants. Specifically, this principle dictates that the quality of being a servant obliges leaders to prioritize their followers more than themselves. Lastly, voluntary subordination is also among the guiding principles that expect leaders to be representative of service rather than power to humanity.
From the Islam religion perspective, the major guiding principle for servant leadership is based on trust, popularly described by members as Amanah. The leader in charge is entrusted by the followers to lead the group and make great decisions. The person must be accountable to the followers and, most importantly, God. To meet the trust, as a principle, human beings received the gift to learn from God, from the creation era whereby God created Adam (the first human created on the universe) as a vicegerent on the planet. The Islam religion context expects the trust concept in leadership at all leadership levels within the Islamic viewpoint (Jabarkhail, 2020). For example, the ruler has authority over individuals; he guides and is accountable for them. A man is always his family’s leader and is expected to lead the family members righteously. Also, a servant who looks after his master’s assets is responsible for them. Overall, accountability and trust fit concurrently. Islam’s religious tradition stresses accountability and trust to God and to the persons whom one is entrusted to head. Furthermore, these principles are evident in the Holy Quran, which emphasizes that when an individual dies after cheating the individuals, they are trusted, and he is unlikely to enter and access paradise. Trust and accountability demonstrate shared leadership, hence unifying the members involved. Therefore, trust and accountability are very significant principles guiding effective leadership among Muslims.
Similarities and Differences between Servant Leadership Philosophies and Values
India is among the planet’s fascinating regions featuring many distinct cultures and religions, including several spoken languages. Different leaders led by Mahatma Gandhi were among those who creatively came up with servant leadership philosophies or values due to their exceptional leadership traits. Gandhi executed a servant leadership framework during his reign, indicating proof of Indian cultural values. Extensive evidence reveals that the leadership style exists in India. For example, Inbadas (2018) exposes various literature-based examples showcasing the origin of servant leadership within the Indian culture. The author argues that the Indian culture’s Gita tradition necessitates leaders to be humanistic. It implies having a leader that lacks personal interest while leading others but has an increased degree of p...
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