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Concept of Missio Dei and Finding Your Purpose by Frederick Buechner

Essay Instructions:

Topic 7 – Living with Purpose

Hello Class,

This week we will wrap up our study of worldviews, and the Christian worldview, with a look at the concept of purpose. We will also revisit some aspects of the fourth act of the biblical story- restoration.

Here is our roadmap for Topic 7.


1. Describe how beliefs about human origins and nature relate to living with creational purpose.

2. Explain how God’s missional purpose informs the Christian’s understanding of individual missional purpose.

3. Articulate how the Christian worldview transforms the world through missional purpose of individuals seeking the common good.

Readings and resources to view

· Topic 7 Overview (Read the Topic Overview before doing other readings, answering DQs or completing assignments.)

· Textbook Chapter 10 (Pasley, 2022), Chapter 11 (Charpentier & Waddell, 2022), and the Conclusion (Hiles & Smith, 2022)

· The Bible (see the passages listed in the Course Resources/Syllabus)

· “Christian Life: The Way of Jesus” video (the link is in the Course Resources/Syllabus)

· The Beginning of Wisdom flashcards (the link is in the Course Resources/Syllabus)


1. Finding Your Purpose Assignment

2. Quiz 7 (Complete the study guide first and use it while you take the quiz)

3. Christian Worldview Post-Assessment (graded for completion)

Assignment Pointers Padlet - https://padlet(dot)com/debbiefulthorp/AssignmentPointerTopic7

Discussion Forum

Each week you need to answer two Discussion Questions and participate in class discussion. See the Topic 1 announcement for participation requirements Or check out your Assignment Pointer Padlets, as I have a review of the requirements there for you each week.

I am looking forward to our final discussions!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Finding Your Purpose
Be sure you respond to all five prompts and include all the sources you cite on a reference section at the end of this document.
Consider how what you have learned throughout the course will impact your future. Explain how to find your purpose by answering the following questions. Include citations and references from the topic Resources.
1 Summarize the concept of missio Dei (missional purpose).
Your answer in 100-150 words:
The concept of Missio Dei, which translates as "sending of God" or "mission of God," is founded on a vision of the essential character of the Trinity that inspires missionary endeavor (Álvarez, 2020). God is a missionary who does not wait for people to come to him or for the earth to be remade. Jesus Christ, who the Holy Spirit empowered to carry out God's plan for the salvation and restoration of the world, was the means through which God revealed himself to the world and propagated his message. The objective of Missio Dei is to motivate Christians to fulfil God's mission by spreading his word and assisting others.

2 Summarize Buechner's concept of finding your purpose and explain how this aligns with the way you live out your worldview (missional purpose).
Your answer in 100-150 words:
Frederick Buechner introduced discovering one's life's purpose or drive. He argued that a person's purpose is founded on the concept of calling and that calling is based on three components of reality: a person's intrinsic abilities, the needs of the world that these abilities may meet, and their sense of delight in serving God and society with their specific gifts (Álvarez, 2020). Therefore, a person's vocation or purpose must benefit themselves and those around them.
The motivation for a person's birth or existence on earth is incorporated into their mission. Therefore, a person's purpose is determined by their circumstances, and it is up to them to approach their career so that it becomes their calling. For instance, a person who views medicine as a means to alleviate human suffering has a calling.

3 Reflect on your beliefs about origins (c...
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