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Theological Analysis: Develop Closer Relationships With Jesus Christ

Essay Instructions:

Theological Analysis Papers

Generally speaking, the point of the papers is to be able to identify, within a homiletic piece, the particular theological principles/themes the writer of the homily is attempting to convey. 

Here is what your paper should include:

Introduction (no more than 2 paragraphs)
A brief summary of the content of the homily (no more than a paragraph). Focus on the key ideas being conveyed rather than reiterating the entire content of the homily.
Indicate the author of the homily (noted in the footnote for each homily) and, if known, who that author is (you may need to do a quick Google search). 
At the end of your introduction, be sure to indicate the key points you will be developing in your paper. DO NOT attempt to show every theological point being made in the chapter. This is a short paper, so focus your attention on what appears to be the most important point of the homily.

Offer at least one paragraph for each theological concept that you have chosen to discuss. Define the concept as you understand it. Connect specific quotes from the homily that connect to the particular concept that is being discussed (be sure to properly cite all direct quotes and paraphrased material). 
Offer a brief critique of the homily and show how the writer has clearly explained the theological point of the chapter or may have fallen short of properly explaining the theological point of the chapter. If the writer has fallen short, show how that has happened and why you believe that it has happened.
How does the writer (via stories, examples, etc.) make the theological principle more accessible to the reader? Do the stories, examples, etc., do what they are intended to do?
This is the “meat” of your paper. Be sure that this is where you put the majority of your energy and ideas. Be sure to use proper theological terminology when, in your own words, you explain the writer's theological point and how that point is being made. Make sure that you properly define those terms within the paper, as well.

Take the time to briefly summarize what you have discussed in the paper (no more than a paragraph). 
Offer your perspective and conclusions about the homily and what it contains.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theological Analysis Paper
Theological Analysis Paper
While giving a homily, there is a central point or theme which a priest seeks to convey to the masses. A homily should not be simply any talk which one gives after reading the scripture, but it should bear meaning and seek to empower the listeners. In his book Christian Theology, William J. Reese makes use of several homilies to provide Christians with a simple yet edifying book. The book aims to help Christians develop closer relationships with Jesus Christ and this it does by using excerpts from homilies. Reese is simply trying to emphasize the importance of walking with Christ as well as letting the word change you as an individual. In every Christian’s life, understanding the doctrine of the Trinity is quite essential. Perman (2006) says that “the doctrine of the Trinity is foundational to the Christian faith.” He continues to say that it is indeed vital to a Christian comprehending who and “what God is life, how he relates to us, and how we should relate to him.” Aside from the definition of the Trinity, a Christian needs to go deeper and grasp the workings of the trinity as well as its significance and implications in their life. The scope of this article spans across the explanation, definition, and history of a theme, the explanation and summary of a homily, and finally, a discussion indicating how the theme is embedded within the homily.
The Trinity doctrine is one that seeks to explain God as three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. From the Bible, the Trinity is shown to have existed before the world was conceived. God existed in trinity long before He decided to crea...
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