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Christian Communication Ethics

Essay Instructions:

In 1,250-1,500 words, complete the following:

Part one: Argue for a uniquely Christian communication ethic. What does it look like to be an ethical communicator from a Christian perspective? Support your ideas with scripture, Christian thinkers, and/or historic counsels and creeds.

Part two: Compare and contrast Christian communication ethics with a classical ethical theory (deontology, utilitarianism, deontology, existentialism, naturalism, stoicism, or postmodernism).

Include at least five scholarly sources, including the Bible.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

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Christian Communication Ethics
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Christian Communication Ethics
A uniquely Christian communication ethic involves strong moral values and ethical principles based on biblical and Christian teachings as people interact or exchange information. People should ethically communicate and incorporate Christianity values and principles. Ethical communication builds harmonious and trusting relationships since people communicate appropriately. From a Christian perspective, being a moral/ethical communicator looks like having different positive values when interacting with others, such as amiability, respect, clarity, honesty, empathy, truth, and integrity. Deontology ethical theory relies on universal rules and moral obligations to determine whether an action is morally right. The deontology theory shares some similarities with Christian communication ethics but also differs in specific ways. This paper argues for a Christian communication ethic approach that people should incorporate and compares and contrasts Christian communication ethics with deontology theory.
Communication Ethics
Christian communication ethical approach incorporates moral understanding, reasoning principles, and human thinking concepts. Ethical communicators consider moral actions in their interactions based on accepted and best values, behaviors, deeds, morals, emotions, norms, virtues, and humane actions (Yacub et al., 2022). From a Christianity perspective, ethical communicators reflect actions and behaviors founded on Biblical values. For instance, they incorporate amiable values during communication, displaying friendly, gentle, and pleasant nature (Yacub et al., 2022). Ethical communicators interact in a polite, soft, friendliness, and amiable way. Ephesians 4:32 says they are compassionate, forgiving, and kind to each other during communication (KJV). Consequently, gentleness and a friendly attitude enhance a conducive atmosphere during interactions, causing an effective communication process.
Ethical communicators from a Christian perspective also incorporate honesty and openness values. People should be open and honest during communication to enhance mutual trust and prevent suspicions and distrust (Yacub et al., 2022). According to Mathew 5:37, people should clearly and honestly communicate and mean their "no" or "yes" since more than that originates from evil (KJV). The verse emphasizes honesty, truthfulness, and integrity moral principles, which form the basis of ethical communication. Yacub et al. (2022) explained that people are morally obliged to tell the truth since this duty is under God's sovereignty, and honest behavior is essential in the Biblical foundation. People should admit and tell the truth about their mistakes since Mathew 6:12 teaches Christians to apologize and forgive one another (KJV). Consequently, open and honest interactions establish healthy relationships.
Furthermore, clarity values are part of how it looks to be an ethical communicator per Christian perspectives. The sender should convey clear messages to enable the recipient to understand the intended message (Yacub et al., 2022). The sender should reflect clarity principles in their mood, language, words, expectations, and meaning. Yacub et al. (2022) highlighted that ethical communicators should use a clear and common language that the recipient would understand since obscurity causes confusion, misunderstanding, or misinterpretations, hindering effective communication. According to Genesis 11:7, the LORD confused people's language to cause misunderstanding among them. Initially, the people built the city since they could understand each other through a common language until the LORD scattered them (KJV). Therefore, people should communicate clearly and avoid ambiguous and obscure messages to enhance understanding and effective communication.
In addition, ethical communicators portray respectful values under Christianity teachings. Good communication requires mutual respect between the sender and the recipient to enhance mutual trust since they appreciate each other not out of fear but of love (Yacub et al., 2022). For instance, ethics in communication in Christian relationships like marriages encourage wives and husbands to love and respect each other. Ephesians 5:33 reminds husbands to love their wives and the wives to respect their husbands, enhancing healthy relationships (KJV). Similarly, ethics in communication between a parent and their child reflect respect. Ephesians 6 verse one urges children to respect and honor their parents, while verse four reminds parents to respect their children's feelings and not make them angry (KJV). Consequently, respect and good relations between children and parents contribute to healthy relationships and proper communication. Therefore, people should ethically commu...
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