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Paper #3: Analysing a Theological Claim

Essay Instructions:

Paper #3: Analyzing a theological claim

Instructions: Based on the feedback from papers #1 and #2, develop an analysis of the homily from any chapter in the textbook (you MAY NOT re-use a previous homily). In your paper, you must identify, explain, and discuss 2-3 themes that are present in the homily.

1. Explanation of the theme, its definition, its history, etc.

2. Explanation of the homily, summarize, what is the author trying to say?

3. Discussion of how the theme is present within the homily.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Paper #3: Analysing a Theological Claim Name Institution Even though Reese (2012) uses various homilies in his book, Christian Theology, the considered theme in this case is the Holy Trinity. This is a very interesting homily because it confuses many people in various aspects. While this theme explains on God being in three beings namely God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, it is still insisted that there is only ONE God. This makes God a triune God implying that He is different from human beings who even though can be similar to each other in looks, behaviors, and actions, they cannot be the same. In this case, Triune is used to imply that ‘Tri’ stands for three while ‘Une’ stands for unity hence the term trinity. It is therefore arguable that even though God is in three persons, these persons have the same essence. In different scenarios in which God is speaking including in the Bible, He makes it clear that even though they are three, they are one. For instance, when creating man, God says, “Let us make man in our image” and later after creation, it is said, “male and female he created them”. This makes it clear that they are three when creating man or when carrying out any duties. However, this does not make them different. Instead, in everything they do, they are one. They are in agreement in everything and thus cannot contradict each other. This is the reason Jesus Christ acknowledges the superiority of God the Father without making Him lesser of a deity. He therefore makes it clear that even tho...
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