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When Is It Appropriate To Name A Disorder “Awful” & Who Should Do It?

Essay Instructions:

Question to be Answered: When is it appropriate to name a disorder “awful” and who should give it that label? This question should provoke self-exploration into what prompts you to fear.

Chapter 8 reviews motor function and presents several disorders of motor movement, which will undoubtedly trigger thoughts and feelings about living with certain diseases and deficits. You may have felt or expressed similar thoughts and feelings in reviewing previous chapters. I'm never surprised to come across comments about how awful it must be to have a certain condition. I agree, of course, that many disorders can be very difficult to cope with, but when is it appropriate to name a disorder “awful” and who should give it that label? This question should provoke self-exploration into what prompts you to fear.

Oliver Sacks is a physician, author, and professor of neurology at the NYU School of Medicine. He is the author of 12 books, including best-sellers Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales (see your syllabus for a list of suggested readings that compliment this course). “Witty Ticcy Ray” is an essay by Oliver Sacks that tells the story of his treatment of a 24-year old man with disabling Tourette's syndrome. It's an appropriate story at this time for two reasons. First, Tourette's syndrome is a motor disorder that involves the basal ganglia and other brain structures that you're reviewing in Chapter 8. But the essay goes beyond focusing on a motor deficit: it shares the patient's experience and introduces the importance of evaluating (perhaps reevaluating) our impression of disease. It also presents the clinical value of incorporating the patient's perspective of illness into treatment and diagnosis. Based on Sacks's article (link below) and this week's chapter on movement, please respond to the questions above for this week's discussion topic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Movement Name Institutional Affiliation Movement Movement in psychology is typically controlled by the sub-conscious states of the mind. Such states may be open or direct. Imperatively, movement in human behavior is not evoked by a mere desire to move. Psychology appreciates the fact that movement is a reflex action of the human body that has to be accompanied by the consent from the sub-conscious. Moreover, according to Tourette, movement in humans can be mild, benign or unequivocally rapid. It is in the wake of this human disorder in movement that gave rise to Tourette syndrome. This research paper seeks to address the instances that one can define a disorder as awful and the relevant person in the specified field that can be relied upon to assess the situation of the disorder as awful. Close reference will be employed from the Sack's article, with specific interest in the movement chapter. To begin with, it is appropriate to name a disorder awful in the event that one is characterized by excess nervous energy. An individual who bears excessive nervous is expressed through a high production and exhibition of strange emotions and notions like tic, mannerisms, jerks, and possession of involuntary imitation skills and uncalled for compulsions of all kinds (Hirschtritt et al., 2015). According to Tourette syndrome, an awful disorder is also characterized by a little more than abnormal movements and impulsivity. Following Tourette diagnosis, this neural disorder is featured by primitive compulsions and desires. There are several instances that Luria remarked as an identity crisis in the whole personality of an individual, this is coupled with the inability of people suffering from the Tourette syndrome to tremendously achieve their real identity in the face of the chaotic and the pressurizing invasion of Tourettic impulses and compulsions. Interest...
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