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Marriage Satisfaction: Belonging, Understanding, Controlling, Trusting

Essay Instructions:

Please Answer Each Question Separately.
Video: http://tedx(dot)tumblr(dot)com/post/53518235402/the-hack-to-save-your-marriage-eli-finkel

Question 1: Which of the five core social motives (belonging, understanding, controlling, enhancing self, trusting others) do you think best explains the marriage hack as discussed in Dr. Eli Finkel's talk?

Question 2: Are people who develop an insecure attachment to their primary caregiver destined to form insecure attachments with romantic partners? Why?

Question 3: In his talk, Dr. Eli Finkel describes how marital satisfaction steadily declines over time. Based on the perspectives discussed in the text, why do you think this is? Provide one reason for why you think marital satisfaction declines over time, and discuss the implications of this for marital interventions (i.e., if marital satisfaction declines for X reason, then how can we target this to improve marital satisfaction).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Marriage Satisfaction Name Institution Affiliation Marriage Satisfaction Belonging The marriage hack is a series of procedures that will help couples in saving their marriages through interventions. Finkel (2014) with four other scholars recruited 120 couples who filled an array of questionnaires after every four months in the study of understanding the marriage hack. Belonging is a core social motive that is essential in all marriages and elaborates the marriage hack by Finkel (2014). Belonging is the idea that individuals require stable, healthy relationships with others. Individuals are motivated to have an affiliation and bond with other people (Munoz, 2012). There is a huge change in the way humans relate that has changed over time apart from the advent of social media and the use of social dating sites. People increasingly have an emphasis on the marital bond with a massive decrease in a social network connecting. A study was undertaken in 2006 for the identification of the closeness and intimacy among people. The purpose of the research was to elaborate the level of openness among people on their confident issues. From 1985 to 2005, the percentage of the American people that listed a friend, a co-worker, a sibling, a co-group member and a neighbor as a core confidant has plummeted from 30-60 percent over the period. Finkel (2014) presents a graph showing that in 1985, 26 percent of Americans had listed their co-worker as their most confidant individuals, a figure that plummeted to 7 percent in 2005. Contrasting, in comparison to a marital relationship, majority of people are increasingly becoming affiliated to their spouse. Finkel (2014) quotes Elizabeth Gilbert, a marriage psychologist explaining that the marital relationship is not only about romance anymore. She elaborates in her text that the spouse also has to be a best friend, someone with daily inspiration, someone who would help with career development. She also identifies that the spouse should be able to solve issues. It describes the motive sense of belonging in marriages. There exists a direct relationship between marital satisfaction and happiness. Mental and physical health also affects marriage satisfaction and happiness. In a study of individuals with a congenital heart condition, bar graphs show that the people that are not happy in their marriages are more likely to die or have no satisfaction in their relationship. Correlation Between Insecure Attachment of an Individual and Their Future Romantic Relationship The relationship between a Child and the caregiver influence the emotional and social development of the child. In their first year of growth, all children develop an attachment to their caregivers, who are liable to provide them with care and protection. Additionally, the children affiliate their behaviors to incorporating the parents as a secure base. The phenomenon of t...
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