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What Makes a Leader a True Leader?

Essay Instructions:

Please read chapter 6 and 10, then complete the blog
Posts should be at least 4-5 paragraphs, and you must incorporate at least once course concept in your post (e.g., a theory that was covered in the week's lesson). Each post must include at least 1 reference (the textbook is acceptable, but additional, peer-reviewed academic journal articles are even better). Once you have posted your blog entry, please copy the link and submit it here. Please see the rubric for a breakdown of points.
The blogs are designed to allow you to write about any topic of your choosing that is related to the week's lesson. For each blog entry you will prepare an informal APA cited and referenced entry (approx. 4-5 paragraphs). The content of each blog entry will focus on applying an idea from the course materials to a current event, your life, outside readings, or any other application by linking evidence from theory or fact to the example you have chosen. While these are not formal essays, you will need to write them in a more formal style than you would write to your friends and family. A key component of these blog entries is that you are making connections. For example, you can connect course material to other courses you are studying, other things you are reading or things that are going on in your personal life or in the world at large. These are publicly viewable documents where you want to demonstrate to the world what you are learning during your studies. Treat them as if you were writing a news article for the USA Today or the New York Times.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Most, if not all, organizations have a leader who directs the mission and vision of the members. The members give their trust to the leaders, and in turn, it provides the leader the power to motivate everyone to work towards a single goal. So, yes, organizations truly need a leader. However, we should also ask, what makes a leader a leader?
Before anything else, let us ask ourselves, “what is leadership?” It transpires in a social group, where each member exerts an effort in achieving a goal. It requires interpersonal communication that encourages the formation of trust in the aspirations of the chosen leader CITATION Cou17 \l 1033 (Coutts & Gruman, 2017).
For example, a ship suddenly encounters big waves in the middle of the ocean due to an unpredictable underwater disturbance. The crew members will immediately report, meet with the captain, and discuss their course of action to prevent the ship from sinking. The captain shall decide on what to do next based on their consensus, and every crew follows his directives as accurately as possible. This is the secret in conquering the enormous ocean waves that could have engulfed every ship that has passed such natural disasters.
After we have understood the definition of leadership, we shall now try to dissect the reasons that make a leader a leader: his communication skills. One of the essential skills of a leader is excellent interpersonal communication, both verbally and non-verbally. In addition, a leader is a leader if he can influence the members through his voice. This is the bread and butter of the organization as conflicts may not happen, or these can be resolved quickly through proper conversations, leading to the group&rsqu...
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