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Genetically Modified Foods as Solution for Global Food Crisis

Essay Instructions:

You received half of your genes from your mother and half from your father. But the exact combination of genes that you ultimately get is a random assortment. There are many millions of possible combinations and the one you get is determined by chance. In the TV show The Big Bang Theory, Leonard (who is very intelligent) falls in love with Penny (who is very pretty) and says in one of the early episodes, “Our children will be smart AND beautiful.”. But in fact there is no way to be sure what their children would be like…it’s a matter of chance.
The movie Gattaca, is a science fiction movie that takes place in the future. It is a time when children are genetically engineered. In other words, the genetic material is altered and controlled to produce the very best person possible…nothing is left up to chance. In Gattaca, children who are born using genetic engineering are termed “valid” and they are guaranteed all the very best jobs. Children born the traditional way are referred to as “invalid” and are considered inferior and are allowed to have only the lowest and most menial jobs. Near the beginning of the movie, Marie and Antonio Freeman step into a doctor’s office to design their next child. Follow the link below to watch this scene from the movie Gattaca.
BACK IN THE PRESENT DAY: We are already using fertility drugs, artificial insemination, and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to analyze the embryo’s DNA. At this stage we have no way to control complex characteristics such as intelligence but we can identify disorders such as Huntington’s disease and Down Syndrome and dozens of other conditions. Even with new technologies such as CRISPR, we are still a long way off from the futuristic world described in the movie (Gattaca).
Option#1: Is genetic engineering for children a good or bad thing. Should we be moving towards the type of world described in the movie or are we on dangerous ground by tampering with “nature”?
Option#2: What about genetically modified foods...good or bad...dangerous or not?
Option#1 or Option#2...NOT BOTH. Do some research and include at least THREE different references (more is better). You can also include personal reflections & experience if you like. Your submission should be at least 800 words (excluding title and references) but can go up to 1500 words. The more time and effort you put into this, the higher your mark is likely to be .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Genetically Modified Babies
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Genetically Modified Babies
Genetically modified foods fall into three categories; herbicide-tolerant (HT), insect-resistant (Bt), and stacked (Fernandez & Paoletti, 2018). Currently, various transgenic crops are available in the market for human consumption. Genetically engineered crops play a major role in food security globally by increasing productivity, improving quality and nutrients availability. Hasell and Stroud (2020) indicate that about 90% of GM crops globally are from the USA, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, and India. 70% and 60% of processed foods in the US and Canada, respectively, contain transgenic food products such as soybeans, rice, and corn. In European countries, only 5% of the foods in the stores contain GMOs (Hasell & Stroud, 2020). However, the majority of transgenic foods are from plant sources in comparison to animal origins. GM salmon is the only animal-based food that has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe for human consumption (Öz, Unsal, & Movassaghi, 2018). In most cases, GM foods are sold as commodities converted into consumable ingredients through industrial food production processes.
Foods containing GM ingredients are essential in reducing certain diseases' prevalence (Nawaz et al., 2019). Modification of the DNA of the transgenic crops allows for the elimination of certain genes in plants and animal food sources that cause allergies in human beings. Also, the addition of extra genes into GM food crops allows for the introduction of nutrients which can significantly boost human immunity upon consumption. In some instances, GM crops have been instrumental in significantly controlling disorders such as diabetes by reducing the number of plant sugars in crops and improving their overall quality (Boccia, Covino & Sarnacchiaro, 2018). Researchers are currently focusing on developing GM food crops that can help the human body get rid of certain diseases and manage disorders.
Genetically modified foods have a short maturity period compared to traditional food crops (Boccia, Covino & Sarnacchiaro, 2018). Increased food productivity allows the human population to avoid a shortage of food globally. Resistance of GM crops to diseases increases productivity as well. For instance, Bt corn and cotton can resist microbial infections. As a result, planting such food crops reduces the possibility of using pesticides on the farms. In most instances, farmers can produce GM foods organically, which are healthier than using insecticides to manage pests and diseases. As a result, the chances of consuming food with chemicals are low (Fernandez & Paoletti, 2018).
Transgenic crops can do well in areas that experience low rainfall or where the soil is unfavorable for agricultural activities (Fernandez & Paoletti, 2018). Normal food crops can only do well in specific regions under climatic conditions. As much as the seeds for GM crops are a bit expensive, their total cost of production is significantly lower than that of traditional food crops. The ability of GM crops to resist attacks by pests and insects reduces the costs of buying pesticides and insecticides (Boccia, Covino & Sarnacchiaro, 2018). ...
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