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Violence in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:


 THIS IS WORTH UP TO 4 POINTS. Incomplete or very poorly written assignments will not be graded at all.  Follow ALL directions or you won’t get credit, so please pay very careful attention to the directions.  Late options are not available for any reason at all, even what you think is a good/sad/better than everyone else's reason.  This is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL – if you don’t do it, there is no penalty, so don’t stress  This is purely being offered as a way to make back up points you may have missed or lost on other assignments during the quarter.  The MEAN overall grade of the class tends to be extremely high, so most of you do NOT need to do this at all.

 Please note that this is due BEFORE the final exam opens, so if you do poorly on the final, the extra credit option will have already passed and will no longer be available to you.

Please note that a failure to properly cite (in text) your sources (using APA citation format) will mean that I don't grade your assignment.  Here is some information on how to do that  https://guides.lib.uci.edu/citations  and  https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html

Links to an external site. 

Also, I will not grade incomplete or poorly written extra credit work, so please only submit work you are proud of.  Please follow ALL directions if you want credit.

OK, here's the assignment:

One of the topics we have not discussed in this class is workplace/occupational violence, specifically incidences of both fatal and non-fatal assault/violence that occurs in the workplace (but is not related to the actual job) that results in either physical injury or death of an employee.  There is a chapter in your textbook (5) about this topic and there is information from the CDC and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the World Health Organization, the International Labor Organization,  Gallup Consulting, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and many other sources related to this topic.

Please use your textbook chapter AND at least FOUR additional RECENT resources (three of your resources that are not the textbook need to be RECENT -nothing earlier than 2018 - two resources are already listed below if you want to use them).  Try not to use any statistics/data that are older than 2018, though you may need to use older statistics when discussing global data. (If you do include additional older data/resources, please be very careful, as that information is not at all likely to be accurate any longer)

Please answer the numbered questions below related to workplace violence.  Please do not discuss harassment/threats/sexual harassment (unless it's sexual violence) and focus instead on physical violence that results in injury or death to another person/people in the workplace that is NOT related to the job duties.  Please cite all sources as you are using the information (in text citations) and provide a list of references at the end using APA formatting for citations and references.

Here are some guidelines for this assignment, the exact questions to answer are further down....

○     You can put this in a sort of detailed type of “bullet” form as long as it makes sense and fully answers the question. The LAST two questions will require you to use a short paragraph format to make sense.

○     Write in your own words - do NOT make this a paper full of quotes - explain the data rather than just copying it verbatim.

○     The more organized this is, the better - follow the format below and clearly identify each section.  make this super easy to grade please.

○     You will have to do some legitimate research for this, please don’t just guess and please avoid opinions.

○     Please do not supply us with “fake news” (facts that are just made up) and please use IN TEXT CITATIONS as well as providing me with a REFERENCE LIST. Use APA formatting to do this.  I need to know WHERE you got your information from (so that I can verify it’s authenticity).

○     Do NOT try to use some for of AI to do this, as you will end up with very inaccurate data (yes, I tried it!).

○     Do not strive to write as little as possible, that's not a good way to get points.

○     Do not strive to write as MUCH as possible, I get tired easily....

○     ALL SOURCES MUST BE VERY RECENT and you may NOT use Wikipedia as a source NOR can you cite lectures (you must use legitimate forms of resources)

○     here's some information and a source to help you out - this is a quote from the recent Gallup survey that is in our week 9/10 module - "The 23% of employed adults who said they had experienced at least one form of violence and harassment translates to nearly 750 million workers worldwide." (Gallup 2022 study of global workers experience of violence and harassment

○     Links to an external site.

○       and this from the SHRM toolkit :"A 2022 SHRM survey of U.S. workers found that 28 percent of workers have either witnessed aggressive interactions between coworkers (20 percent) and/or have actually been involved in them personally (8 percent)" (SHRM toolkit - understanding workplace violence prevention and response

○     Links to an external site.



OK, here's the questions that you need to give me original, detailed and accurate answers for:

1.  Briefly state - How prevalent is the problem of workplace violence in the United States specifically and also worldwide/globally.  Is there one country or region of the world that has significantly more incidences than others? (CITE your sources as you write and add those citations to the reference list)

2. What are the primary types or categories of violence that occur (and cause injury or death) in the workplace and is there any profession or type of worker or occupational group that seems to be more at risk? Discuss this question using workplace violence data from both US and global sources and discuss whether differences exist between this issue in the US and elsewhere (CITE your sources as you write and add those citations to the reference list)

3. Who are the perpetrators of violence in the workplace? Are they male or female? are they old or young? are they current employees or former employees or customers or? Do they tend to act alone or in groups? Do they tend to be suffering from mental illness or other health issues? Does the violence tend to occur while they are actually working or are they off duty? (CITE your sources as you write and add those citations to the reference list)

3. What are the main MOTIVES that seem to be behind workplace violence (or are the motives so varied that there does not appear to be a main motivating factor). Does this vary by type of violence (homicide vs assault perhaps?)  (CITE your sources as you write and add those citations to the reference list)

4. What are the individual risk factors that might be seen in someone who eventually engages in workplace violence? AND What are the warning signs that workplaces should watch out for in their employees?   also, if you can, please add in :Are these people generally violent or does this tend to be their only incident of violence? (you may not be able to find this last piece of info). (CITE your sources as you write and add those citations to the reference list)

4. What happens to the perpetrators of workplace violence?  Do they tend to kill themselves or die as a result of police intervention? Do they tend to go to jail? Or do they tend to get off without penalty? (CITE your sources as you write and add those citations to the reference list)

5. Briefly - what are some prevention methods that workplaces can institute to reduce the likelihood that violence will occur in the workplace.  List and provide a bit of detail regarding several prevention methods and use sources beyond just your textbook. You could also, if you wanted to, discuss a "model workplace violence prevention program", but you don't need to.  (CITE your sources as you write and add those citations to the reference list)

6. And finally - please find an incident of workplace violence that was IN THE NEWS (either locally or globally) THAT OCCURRED WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, provide a live link to the article that you use (and cite it) and very briefly discuss what happened and what could have been done to prevent this incident (you may have to make up your own realistic and relevant idea as to how this could have been prevented)   (CITE your sources as you write and add those citations to the reference list)

7. Provide a reference list that includes all sources you cited and consulted.  USE APA REFERENCE FORMAT. Make sure these are legitimate sources and not fake/political/random internet sites or references that don’t actually exist (a very common problem this quarter, so I'm on the lookout for this)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psych of Violence
Student Full Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Full Title
Instructor Full Name
Due Date
Psych of Violence
Question 1
The problem of workplace violence is prevalent in the United States although France, England, Argentina, Canada, and Romania have much higher rates of assaults on the job. According to the National Safety Council assault was the fifth leading case of workplace mortality. In 2020, there were 392 cases of fatal assaults and 20,050 cases of non-fatal physical assaults (National Safety Council, 2023). A recent study by the UN’s International Labor Organization (ILO) in conjunction with Gallup and Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF) revealed that 8.5% of workers globally are the victims of physical violence (Facilities Management Advisor Staff, 2023). The 2021 survey which spanned 121 countries also determined that three out of five victims had been assaulted at work multiple times within the last five years.
Question 2
The primary types of violence are aggravated assaults, robbery, homicides, and roadway incidents. Certain professions including education, healthcare, and transport lead in terms of number of injuries and fatalities. For instance, a 2018 report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated that the incidence rate of nonfatal workplace violence in the healthcare is nearly five times that of all industries at 10.4 per 10,000 workers. Similarly, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 8% and 38% of health workers globally suffer physical violence at some point in their careers (Lim et al., 2022). On the whole, there appears to be no marked differences between this issue in the US and elsewhere.
Question 3
The perpetrators of violence in the workplace are varied and can include coworkers, customers, and even strangers. Customers are the biggest perpetrators of workplace violence, accounting for about 40% of reported cases. Strangers, such as robbers and mass shooters, account for 25% of workplace violence incidents. Coworkers account for 26% of workplace violence cases: 6% of workplace assaults are related to domestic violence (Pinnacol Assurance, 2021). Perpetrators of violence in the workplace are equally divided between the two genders but a majority of offenders are older, alone, and suffering from mental illness. Workplace violence can also happen anywhere.
Question 4
The perpetrators of violence in the workplace are rarely arrested and charged with assault. Unfortunately, only half of the victims of workplace violence disclose their experiences and most organizations are unaware of how to tackle wor...
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