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Using Deception in Research. Psychology Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Benchmark - Critical Thinking Essay

View Rubric

Due Date: Sep 12, 2018 23:59:59 Max Points: 150

The following is a list of acceptable topics that can be selected from. (Please note that this is a list of suggestions. A different topic can be selected if you have a preference for a topic that is not listed):

1. Right to Die

2. Drug Therapy

3. Children and Medication

4. Diagnosis of ADHD

5. Television or Video Games and Violent Behavior

6. Using Deception in Research

7. Spanking

8. Using Animals in Research

9. Recovered Memories

Use the GCU library to locate two peer-reviewed articles on your chosen topic. The articles should argue opposite sides of the controversy.

In 1,250-1,500 words:

1. Briefly explain the claims of both articles as well as the background of the controversy and how it became controversial. Including how historical perspectives and theories add to the controversy.

2. Examine the evidence given in the articles and explain which article creates a stronger argument.

3. Identify any logic fallacies that exist in both and explain what makes them logic fallacies (For a list of logical fallacies, follow this link https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/659/03/).

4. Describe why the article's argument is stronger than the other. Give examples from both. Include how current perspectives and theories support your rationale.

5. Describe how the controversy you chose is applicable and significant to the world.

Use five to six scholarly references to support your claims.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: 1.1: Describe key historical perspectives and theories in psychology, 1.2: Differentiate among current perspectives and theories in psychology, and 1.3: Describe applications of psychology.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Using Deception in Research
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Course Title:
Using Deception in Research
Deception in research occurs when the investigators camouflage or conceal the real objective of the research or experiment. It entails using intentionally misleading communication with respondents regarding the activities or purposes of the research (Benham, 2014). The main forms of deception are passive and active deception. With passive deception, the researcher does not disclose the full information or withholds information, in order to mislead the participants about the procedures or the purpose of the research. Conversely, active deception occurs when the researcher deliberately provides false or incorrect information to the respondents (Cook & Yamagishi, 2016). While some scholars maintain that using deception in research is ethically problematic, others claim that doing so can be desirable. This paper identifies two different articles on the topic of using deception in research, including experimental and psychological research. The evidence provided in the two articles are compared, and the article with a stronger argument is identified. The reason for selecting the chosen topic is provided. Lastly, the significance of the topic to the world is described.
The identified articles are the article by Uz and Kemmelmeier (2017) which maintains that the use of deception in research is permissible under certain circumstances, and the article by Hertwig and Ortmann (2008) which provides arguments against the use of deception. Ethics is among the most important areas of research, with deception becoming an ever more critical area of discussion between ethical groups, philosophers, and psychologists. For many sociological and psychological experiments, it is undoubted that the less the participants know, the better. Regrettably, though, this intent could stray and harm people, be it deliberately or otherwise (Sommers & Miller, 2013).
According to Hertwig and Ortmann (2008), there are some arguments in support of the position that the use of deception in research is wrong. The deception prompts second-guessing of the actual intents of the researchers and raises respondents’ suspicions. These reactions, instead of the researcher’s instructions and scenario, guide and eventually distort experimental behavior and jeopardize the control that should be attained (Hertwig & Ortmann, 2008). Deception impairs and destroys experimental control. In this way, it threatens the validity of the study findings. Besides, using deception in research has the potential of contaminating the participant pool (Hertwig & Ortmann, 2008).
On the other hand, Uz and Kemmelmeier (2017) claim that the use of deception in a research study can be a desirable thing, particularly when taking into account the benefits and costs to the study subjects. It is especially appropriate in certain situations. For example, the use of deception is appropriate when studying unethical behavior. Such a study will need to involve deception given that studying unethical conduct is impossible when the study subjects know that they are being observed when they engage in unethical conduct (Uz & Kemmelmeier, 2017). In this way, the use of deception is important as it generates knowledge, which was otherwise not available.
Some proponents who are against using deception in research argue that research studies that use deception are harmful to the investigators who carry them out because the investigators become immoral whenever they deceive (Hertwig & Ortmann, 2008). This viewpoint disregards many relevant moral concerns. As earlier defined, deception is not similar to lying. A researcher uses deception to advance scientific knowledge devoid of harming the study subjects while at least promoting the society’s general good and even the good of the respondents. As such, from any perspective that takes into account the outcomes of the actions of the researcher, it is hard to argue that the investigators damage their moral conduct when carrying out such research (Uz & Kemmelmeier, 2017).
Furthermore, scholars who oppose the use of deception in research also claim that such research harms the study subjects and that this is why Institutional Review Boards were established and government regulation of human research participation came about (Hertwig & Ortmann, 2008). They claim that the harm to participants includes a threat to the self-determination, privacy, and dignity of the respondents, in addition to the potential economic and bodily harm (Hertwig & Ortmann, 2008). Without a doubt, studies that involve deception could have such nega...
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